Session fetched in the middleware doesn't update on every request.
As shown in the video, After signing in. I can go back to /login page even though I protected it using middleware.ts. I even tried no-storing the session but in vain.
Here is middleware.ts:
NOTE: same issue occurs when I sign out and I'm in a protected route. I don't get routed to /login for some reason.
22 Replies
Unknown User•5w ago
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I'm migrating from next-auth. Everything was working perfectly in next-auth + middleware actually works when I refresh the page
It just doesn't work right after signing up
Unknown User•5w ago
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Nope, As shown in the docs, Nextjs middleware doesn't have access to node APIs
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Unknown User•5w ago
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The problem here is it's using betterFetch and I don't wanna install another package just for the middleware to work
I hope there's a solution for this problem with normal fetch
But I'll give it a try
Thank you bro for trying to help ❤️
Unknown User•5w ago
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It's still an issue even after using better-fetch
first check if the headers contain the session cookie properly. and is it returning null?
Headers contain the session cookie. Also I've just noticed that the problem occurs ONLY in email/password login. It doesn't occur in OAuth signin
@bekacru Is there any way to fix it?
there is no difference between email/pass generated cookie and oauth cookie. If it's not working for email/pass only there is an issue with your setup. Make sure on email/pass a new cookie is benig set in the browser and that cookie itself is reaching the middleware
Email/pass make a new cookie that's sent to the browser. But for some reason, it's not reaching th middleware. Here's a video of what's going on from the email/password side
Here's what's going on in oauth
Just ignore the localization part of the middleware
Hey, Next.js caches middleware rewrites jsyk
If you are using the App Router
you need to call router.refresh() if the session changes or manually refresh the page
router.refresh does a soft refresh and clears the router cache. It would be great if they would provide a router.clear function ;/
Also just check for presence of the session_token cookie for middleware, you don't want to do fetches there
It works for OAuth because you hard navigate back to the website
I'll try that
This is what you want to do instead of better fetch
Just check if that cookie exists, instead of fetching a session
In middleware
There is a merged PR releasing soon for better auth that will provide getSessionCookie()
If you are using signIn() manually somewhere in your client pages, just call router.refresh() in the onSuccess
I'm testing that. Gimme a second
@daveycodez That works! Thank you so much! ❤️
Yea it's the router cache.. I was gonna open a GitHub issue to get Next to provide a "clear" function but. they require making a repo for each issue and yea
Make sure you also do router.refresh() for your sign out
any session changes that don't involve a hard redirect
Thank you for reminding me!
But what happens if the session is expired? The session token is still in the cookie but it won't work so it won't redirect the user to /login. Right?
Unknown User•4w ago
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If that session_token cookie is gone then the user is signed out
Middleware is also meant to be a non-blocking optimistic check, your routes themselves should check using getSession if they are dynamic routes