Polar not working
I tried polar subscriptions but when i do checkout i get this error
but i think the polar developers have not integrated headers cause when i add headers are not being passed
9 Replies
you can just redirect to "url"/api/auth/checkout/"slug" if you have the item properly set it up in your auth.ts
Nice but how can i check current user subscription state also can help
they're all listed in "url"/api/auth/subscriptions/list
this is assuming you have the better auth catch all route under /api/auth/[...all]/route.ts
btw the polar docs for this are pretty decent
yeah with new latest version they have fixed it thanks mate
@Troy so your :
works now ?
no i changed the implementation now am redirecting user to checkout url by specifying the product slug
and for the portal i use this url also
but make sure your products are here
Alright, so you're using the automatically generated route for checkout and portal, created by the Polar plugin.