Hey, so suddenly my app auth just stopped working. if I go to a protected route I got redirected to the landing page, and if I try to login or signup I always get the same error now:
ERROR [Better Auth]: Failed to create user TypeError: The "string" argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer or ArrayBuffer. Received an instance of Date
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) {
I tried to change to my main branch, but it's still having the same behavior.
import { betterAuth } from "better-auth";
import { nextCookies } from "better-auth/next-js";
import { drizzleAdapter } from "better-auth/adapters/drizzle";
import { db } from "@ideate/server/db";
export const auth = betterAuth({
plugins: [nextCookies()],
database: drizzleAdapter(db, {
provider: "pg",
emailAndPassword: {
enabled: true,
autoSignIn: true,
db schema (attached)
3 Replies
I'm using the T3 stack btw (next 15, trpc, drizzle and postgresql database)
which verision of better auth are you using?
Hey @bekacru I was using 1.1.18, then I upgraded it to 1.1.21 hoping to fix the issue. But the error persists.