Deployed social signin fails with prisma adapter

2025-01-26T17:51:36.581Z ERROR [Better Auth]: PrismaClientKnownRequestError Error [PrismaClientKnownRequestError]:
Invalid `prisma.verification.create()` invocation:

Error validating datasource `db`: the URL must start with the protocol `prisma://`
at async Object.create (.next/server/chunks/545.js:1:17636)
at async createWithHooks (.next/server/chunks/545.js:2:48201)
at async Object.createVerificationValue (.next/server/chunks/545.js:2:54572)
at async s (.next/server/chunks/545.js:2:86212)
at async (.next/server/chunks/545.js:4:16189) {
code: 'P6001',
clientVersion: '6.2.1',
meta: [Object]
2025-01-26T17:51:36.581Z ERROR [Better Auth]: PrismaClientKnownRequestError Error [PrismaClientKnownRequestError]:
Invalid `prisma.verification.create()` invocation:

Error validating datasource `db`: the URL must start with the protocol `prisma://`
at async Object.create (.next/server/chunks/545.js:1:17636)
at async createWithHooks (.next/server/chunks/545.js:2:48201)
at async Object.createVerificationValue (.next/server/chunks/545.js:2:54572)
at async s (.next/server/chunks/545.js:2:86212)
at async (.next/server/chunks/545.js:4:16189) {
code: 'P6001',
clientVersion: '6.2.1',
meta: [Object]
2 Replies
bekacru2mo ago
this is thrown from prisma not better auth. check your env variables
APPLEOP2mo ago
thank you, though it was not because of env vars missing, i had to put postinstall script as "prisma generate" instead of "prisma generate --no-engine"

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