sign up the role to be stored in the db is "agency" but it is alwyas stored as "user" any help ?

4 Replies
bekacru5d ago
are you using the admin plugin?
benarbiaOP4d ago
yes , in fact i want 3 roles ,user , admin and agency but when i sign up as agency it always store user in the role not agency as i want
bekacru4d ago
roles can't be set from the client. If you want to change the default, role type you can pass defaultRole in the plugin config
benarbiaOP4d ago
role is by default is "user" but in the sign up i have an option to sign up as an "agency" i want when that check box is checked the account to create with role "agency" so it that possible ? I removed the admin plugin it was always pass the role as "user" when i signup even when i used database hook , now it store "agency" as i wanted

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