Open Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery


Open Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery

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Steam version not working

hello, when launching the app on steam it says hold trigger to paint, you paint with the default brush for one second and then you cant do anything else. plus the hand menu is not showing, only open brush logo. im on last steam version and tried the meta store on pc too, same problem. standalone on my quest 3 seems to work fine but i wanted to play on pc 😢 sometimes when i close the game it shows this message "only one instance of the game can be running at one time"...
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OpenBrush 3d Shapes APK not working

We sideloaded the APK file on a Quest 3, but when we launch the app - it says hold trigger to paint, but doesn't do anything beyond that.

I can delete images now?

Looks like i'm able to delete media images now, not sure if this is intentional or a bug, i prefer not to be able to do this since i usually like to keep them around as reference images. I tried pinning the images but still it will clear them if im using the eraser tool

Camera paths not working after update

this is what i see when i try to use a camera path, it also makes it impossible to use anything else and doesn't stop (just runs along the track repeatedly over and over)
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Undo button resets location

been dealing with this one for a while and its SUPER frustrating. sometimes when hitting the undo button it will teleport me to a different part of the scene

On quest standalone with passthrough the guide outlines are barely visible.

It may be taking on the opacity of passthrough mode. It would be great if it was a dark outline that shows with passthrough....

opening sketches from archives without the right path for external models

I had to reinstall my windows and Open Brush, I archived my sketches in a folder and I put my sketches back in the folder of my new installation on my pc. I did not think to note the path of the folders of the models that I use in my sketches, I created a new path in the library folder, I launch the sketch and there I cannot speed up the creation of the sketch, it takes an infinite time, is it because of the wrong path? Is there a solution to not have to redo all my sketches? At worst I am ready to put each model back but I would like to avoid having to redo everything from scratch. Do you think that by going through the Unity version, I could do better? Thank you...

Experimental Brushes aren't appearing

Hello, after having to reinstall windows 11, I reinstalled Open Brush via Steam, I chose the beta version but I no longer have access to the experimental brushes, I also tried the previous version and the normal version. And activated the advanced mode inside OB, what to do please? Thank you...

when I go to draw it lags, and also there is a jitter or shake, help

Is there a way to make this more smooth, I tried all setting and nothing worked, please help, want to get back in but when it feels like an earthquake I can't work in those conditions.

Layer hide\show text bug.

In the layer menu I'm seeing the text for show\hide replaced with the name of the last layer on that last layer and on a layer many layers above also.

save button ,no translation found for new entry1 in strings

when I cursor over the save button that says no translation found for new entry 1 in strings I think I'm on the beta

Brush Remains On From Startup

The second that the features of my game have loaded, the brush remains on and continuously leaves a line, leaving no way to stop painting or flip through menu options. I am specifically running an HTC ViVe and SteamVR on Windows with the latest steam release of the game. I would really love to use Open Brush, I've been using Tilt Brush for years and it seems like Kid Pix Studio compared to what Open Brush is capable of, but I am sadly completely locked out of the experience until this bug is addressed....

Weird Artifacting in Latest Beta

This happens on quality 3 and 4. Possible related to I made a separate issue due to the fact this seems slightly different. 2 also is completely white though. I would switch to stable but stable is a black screen unfortunately

Brushes twitching

Everytime i use a new brush it twitches a few feet down. And when i keep using them they twitch. Even with simplification and changing the graphics setting it still stays. I triev to use evey version. With experimental brushes, without, beta, it's all the same across. Also tried to reinstall it and install from github, tried updating driver and fumbling with settings in the app. Still the same. Have no idea what might be causing this because i don't have those issues in any other games i play like beat saber or open blocks. The only way it stops is if i revert to the older version without half the brushes and stuff available which sucks because i love experimental brushes. just in case here are my specs: AMD Ryzen 5 5600 3.5 GHz 16 gb RAM...

All colors appearing as grayscale?

for some reason i opened the app today after the update and the colors of most solid brushes appear as grayscale no matter what color is selected


When I go into open brush I can’t reset my boundary so I’m stuck in one spot, how do I fix it?

Directional Light appears to clip through objects making them look transparent.

I was using the standard dress form environment. I move the directional light and it does not reflect off of the object properly. When I face the back of the form, the transparency is clearly visible. It seems the light is not reflecting off the whole environment as it should as well. Its casting shadows where it shouldnt and there is a clear distinct line. Please see the video attached. Official Release, PCVR.

App not loading and missing from the Meta Store

Went to use OB and the app wouldnt open so I deleted it and it is no longer showing on the meta store?? Not sure whats up. PCVR


Hi, is there a list anywhere of what brushes are supported in sketchfab, and which aren't?

Error uploading my artworks to Sketchfab

Hi, I've been having problems uploading my artworks to Sketchfab, I have an HTC Vive XR Elite, here is the error:
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