Error uploading my artworks to Sketchfab

Hi, I've been having problems uploading my artworks to Sketchfab, I have an HTC Vive XR Elite, here is the error:
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12 Replies
mikeage4mo ago
@andybak , not diretly related to the question here about shetchfab / gltf export failure, do we write temporary files to the persistant storage directory? (that might explain some of our uploads in Meta)
limbiOP4mo ago
I have both the oculus and vive headsets, and I only get this problem in the vive headset. :(
mikeage4mo ago
Can I ask where you installed the Vive version from?
limbiOP4mo ago
the headset's store Is that version faulty?
mikeage4mo ago
I don't believe so, but I didn't know we released a standalone APK for Vive! Can I ask you to tell me which version it is? (on the bottom of the settings panel)
limbiOP4mo ago
yeah give me a min 2.7.0_240821
mikeage4mo ago
huh. That's interesting. We release 2.7.0 on in March; that version number (which doesn't match our scheme) implies that it was built on August 21st, 2024. But in any case, it's not how we do versioning! Also, we're on 2.9.0 now.
limbiOP4mo ago
mikeage4mo ago
Reading some old threads, I see that HTC managed their own release of the standalone (i.e., XR Elite) version. I guess I did know about that, but I'd forgotten. It might be hard to debug since I don't think we have the code for any changes they may have made but we do have some contacts with them. Let me talk with some people on our side, and we'll come back to you soon!
limbiOP4mo ago
should I just download the apk from your website? see if that works?
mikeage4mo ago
I don't know; there's a generic OpenXR version there, but I'm not sure if it works on the Elite XR. My concern is that the path they showed will be wiped if you uninstall the App, and I wouldn't want you to lose any of your sketches! I can't promise how switching between the APK we have and theirs will behave. If you want to try, I'm sure it will be interesting. I just can't promise it'll be 100% safe, especially when you switch back (I don't know what they did as far as version codes, not version names, so I'm not sure which will be treated as a downgrade requiring you to uninstall first) Gotta head out to go to work. We'll be back! ok, so it looks like you're going to need to raise this one with Vive directly. I don't know the procedure to do that, I'm afraid. We spoke a bit about when the Vive standalone build will be ours, instead of theirs, but we don't yet have every single feature they do (specifically, passthrough), and that's a blocker for their store listing transitioning to our build. But we don't really know how they implemented the saving, and so I'm afraid we can't help with this one. Sorry.
limbiOP4mo ago
Alright, thank you

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