Open Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery


Open Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery

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Open Brush API on Quest 3

Does anyone know whether openbrush api can be used on Meta Quest3? Seem meta integration was depricated and XR UPM is necessary. But we do not find a proper way to use it

Words Script Plugin

Suggestion regarding "Words" script Continue from clipboard on release, until unset. With anything more than 3-4 words you run out of space and have to reposition the controllers which results in releasing the trigger button. Upon continuation it starts over...

Audio via Unity SDK

Has anyone got an example of open brush with audio in the Unity plugin? Also any docs to help work how to create audio brushes that can be brought into Unity?

Editing plugins

Where abouts do I select the plugin to copy? This is the step I am struggling with, I can't seem to find the file anywhere

I've added gifs or videos for nearly all

I've added gifs or videos for nearly all the example plugins:

Using scripts to import images automatically

@andybak following up from a discussion on github: I’m looking for a demo script to help me get started scripting for OpenBrush. I’m working with a media artist who uses OpenBrush to lay out PNG files in 3D space, and we’re trying to automate the process of importing dozens of images from the media folder on the local drive. ...

Camera Tool broken on latest plugin build

Hi @andybak noticed the camera on the plugin build no longer functions. Giving you the heads up

Symmetry scripts without the mirror

Would be great to be able to use the symmetry scripts without the mirror in place as an anchor....maybe the ability to move the mirror with your left hand as you paint so its not stuck from one position?

Png images from camera without the background

@andybak Is there a simple lua script that will remove skyboxes in the camera to export a pic as a png? Doing this externally is crazy and not precise no matter what background remover I use or if I try it manually.

Lua Plugins options

I wanted to give the scripts which called symmetryHueShift.lua the option to choose whether or not to change the colors, without impacting scripts that weren't updated. This appears to work, although sometimes it takes a couple of draw attempts for the change to actually take place ```-- Contents of SymmetryHueShift.lua local SymmetryHueShift = {} ...

Plugin API docs

Do we have the API scripting documentation (including command syntax) somewhere that's in a file, text or otherwise accessible form. I'd like to get that all into a document that can be machine read.
Tried various tools to extract the text etc from documentation, the javascript/html thing is making that really challenging...

Http scripts and Plugin scripts

hello! I know I've been MIA for a while (6 months?). The AI world and some traveling has me in other directions. I'm currently in a surf town in Brazil (I don't surf) and brought my Quest 2 with me hoping to dip my toes back in. I've been demoing the real-time scripts to a couple of people who've been enjoying painting with b&w pass-through in the late evenings. Anyways, I've had this idea for a while for much richer text using the API. Without getting into all the learning ideas that did not work, I found you can automatically convert TTF (font) files to SVG?! I've always known a basic draw.svg was built into the http API and here was my chance to use it exclusively. However, unless I'm not understanding something, it seems buggy? Here is my quick and dirty documentation of the issue:

Bug using dots embers with straightedge

Bug: using dots/embers with straightedge tool will freeze the controller where you can’t deactivate the trigger and let go. It stays activated.

Animation bug

API Bug: Create a model, animate. You can no longer select and move items if you have two different pieces in the scene. I created two objects which I had to move one object to place on the other which is how I found the bug. The first object was the one I played with the animation script but decided not to use it. Opened the sketch in OB beta, still can't select anything. Merged the model into a brand new sketch in OB beta and I was able to select and move bits. Opened it back again in the experimental plugin build and couldnt select/grab again. Also, the bounding box will remain once you use the animated scripts even to play around or test....

Labs Panel not opening

Hello for some reason the labs menu on the lasted experimental build is not opening so I can’t export my sketches.

draw.path in new orientations after brush.turn.*

Ah. I see what you mean. I'm happy to change any drawing behavior if you think it would make it more logical or consistent. I'd actually forgotten there was any connection between draw.path and

Modifying scripts

Yeah. Some of these scripts are just meant to be examples for people to learn from rather than useful in their own right. I need to add a simple way to copy the built in scripts to the user's Open Brush folder for further editing.

API Bindings for js and python

Mainly - the advantage is live, interactive use with full autocomplete. So my poor brain doesn't have to remember the commands (even though I made them 🤔 )