Open Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery


Open Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery

Chat, contribute to or get help with Open Brush, Open Blocks and Icosa Gallery. Open source creative tools. VR & not-VR


Is it possible to have a smooth tool

Is it possible to have a smooth tool apply to brushes (esp lit ones) Often times you have to layer to get a smooth effect with them. If I change the brushes from lit to unlit to hide holes etc it tends to look washed out.

Pivot Scripting

@andybak Could we get something in the scripting tools for adjusting pivot position or grabbing an object that's far away from you / the starting point and moving it around regardless of whether you're physically touching it? In Anim VR & Quill this is Layer transform.

Disks and Ovals

Not really, sometimes you need discs or ovals, or something to identify the boundaries easily. Not every brush works well with the wheel/orb trick, and there's no way to control the orientation...

Exporting strokes to another sketch

Also some type of copy paste individual groups or strokes from one saved file to another. Is there a current workaround for something like this? That would be useful, especially if there were some kind of reservoir to dip into.