Open Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery


Open Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery

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[PLEASE READ] How to get your wishes granted more quickly

The best way to ensure we can deliver features more quickly is to help out. Currently almost nobody is pitching in and contributing. So - development is slow. Every hour we spend doing things other than coding is time lost. Developers shouldn't be spending their limited time writing tutorials, testing, answering community questions, doing social media etc etc. Other members of the community could be doing most of this. Please help if you can! Not sure how? See or just ask. 🙂 ...

Quick Tools Selection

With your dominant hand, you should be able to click into the thumbstick to bring up a wheel of the Tools so you can quickly select them instead of having to move to your other hand. This is exactly like how you select weapons in Half Life Alyx.

Baking audio into a scene

I haven't used Google Blocks before, so I don't know if it already has this feature, but if not and you're considering adding non-modeling features to Open Blocks, I hope you'll look into the ability to import audio files into a Blocks scene. Here's what I have in mind: Global audio: This would allow you to import an audio file that can be heard no matter your position in the scene. For example, spatial rain sounds would play constantly throughout the environment. Local audio: This would allow you to anchor an audio file to a specific place or object in the scene. The sound would play at a faint volume and increase in volume as you get closer to it. An example would be fire crackling sounds anchored to a campfire, which would get louder as you lean in....

Add a Rendering Output

The ability to stage the scene and use post processing similar to adobe modeler. Lights, scene backgrounds, etc. Add turntable, for video output, animation timeline for the above and png support.

Textures Import

Ability to import textures to apply to faces or grouped objects

Eraser tool should work on images, videos and 3d models

The "throw away" gesture isn't always intuitive for users.

Option to change grid scale and / or object sizing incremenets

related to the other feature request to change scene size, changing object scale increments or allowing for a wider range of increments especially on the smaller end of the scale would also be useful. (by increments I mean when you select a shape on the tool using the joystick, pressing the joystick up and down changes the size)

Option to change or increase scene size

When working with scenes in a particular scale, if I need to make a bigger space I need to adjust my scaling, which causes issues. Allowing scene size adjustment would help with this

add surface snapping for retopo on imported high poly meshes

pretty much as the title says, a way to create verts and extrude edges that snap to the surface of a target mesh so you can retopo in VR, having used gravity sketch for this before it's a lot faster even with basic tools than using somehing like blender or maya, and even a little faster than the best tools like 3d coat and topogun, the issue gravity sketch has is the poor snapping with way too much of an offset between the target mesh and your work, a translucent shader that always views in fron...

Bounding box Measuring

how about bounding boxes with scales increments? should work also with the selected group...

Add some basic OB features to Open Blocks

Camera, environments, skyboxes, lighting, color palette, media folder for consistency. Personally like the realistic controllers better. Idk blocky things remind me of Minecraft and geared towards kids. Of course it’s cool for all ages to use blocks as is but think it may take away from it being used by professionals in their workflow. Guess it all depends on end goals and what you envision it to be.

Imperial measurements added in settings

Would be helpful for those of us across the pond to have the option to change to imperial for measurements.

import obj as reference

Allowing you to paint on the surface of an imported blocks object

Add common VR Modelling Tools that are missing

Mirror, Boolean Modifiers, Sub D surface, textures, more expansive color palette, ability to save and use stamps.

Coexistence?\Merge?\Bridge?\ to Open Brush.

The main inquires are:
Merging the functionality of Open Blocks and Open Brush into a single unified app/project. llm rewritten or Enabling a seamless switch or transition between the two different 3D modeling workflows - the one in Open Blocks and the one in Open Brush. ...