Open Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery


Open Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery

Chat, contribute to or get help with Open Brush / Tilt Brush - the VR painting app for (nearly) all platforms.


Fly to camera path

alternative fly that will create a camera path nodes while flying

Drafting layer mode

options for drafting lines visible only on the active layer or only on the unselected layers.

Link between the skybox background and the orientation of the artwork

Currently, with the artwork displayed, the skybox orientation is fixed even if the viewpoint is rotated. It would be great if, when the viewpoint is rotated and the artwork and skybox are properly aligned, a checkbox such as “Link skybox and artwork” (or unfix skybox) could be checked so that when the viewpoint is rotated, the skybox also rotates with the artwork. It would be nice if the skybox could rotate with the artwork when the viewpoint is rotated....

The ability to adjust the size of the 360 rotation in the spectator camera

The spectator camera as is can do 360 rotations/ figure 8’s around an object but you have no control how far away from the model it turns. If the point of origin is enabled, it would be great if users could accurately adjust the position/distance from the model before it does a figure 8 or circumference around the model. Also if the camera had the ability to change the POV to the point of origin it would produce perfect videos without the need of a turntable.

Point of origin toggle.

The ability to toggle point of origin on/off and the ability to move it on the model. (Entire model or grouped items). It’d be a great feature for animations or stop motion. Same feature suggestion for blocks.

Reset Transform

Would be a helpful/cool feature to have a reset transform button to apply to a model or grouped brushstrokes. When you use environments that don’t have a floor where you can see the center of the space, sketches end up in a far away galaxy…. 😲 same feature suggestion for blocks.

Opacity slider

As the title says I think an on the fly opacity feature would be greatly appreciated. Just for the main brushes none of the crazy ones. Just like a slider where you pick your color would be a good spot I think....

The ability to import and use raster brushes (like photoshop brushes)

I don't know it's even possible to support raster painting in this type of app but I can't help but feel the urge to use my favorite photoshop or procreate brushes to take a project from a being a sketch to a fully presentable finished work. Here's how I imagine it could be used: 1- draw/paint directly with photoshop/procreate brushes to create storkes (some built in brushes already look photoshop brushes with texture and opacity properties so maybe it's possible to extend on that? Like take an unlit brush and just import on it the properties of photoshop brush like stamp texture? ...

Rigged human model for use as reference

I'm referring to something like gravity sketch's mannequin feature, where you can insert a model of a man or a man and can manipulate it into whatever position you want and use it a reference to draw on it. I apologize if this is too complicated to implement in Open Brush. (Attched is a video showing the feature in gravity sketch)...

Align Mirror to Center for all standard environments

The Dress form environment in particular is not centered to the object when calling the mirror function.

Replace Tiltmeter with concrete poly stats as a toggled real time overlay.

To be able to see these stats as an optional overlay in real time would be helpful in determining what parts of the sketch are expensive as well as what changes occur numerically when we use the decimation levels in game.

Addition of Self and Cast Shadows to 3D Models in the Quest 3 Standalone Version of Open Brush

Hello, I'm a drawing student and find it extremely useful to import 3D models into Open Brush for practice. However, I would like to ask if it would be possible to add the functionality of self and cast shadows to the imported 3D models in the Quest 3 standalone version of Open Brush. This feature would be of great help to me and other drawing students, as it would allow us to better visualize shapes mentally and develop a greater sensitivity to how shadows are cast on models. Drawing on a “real sheet” with these visible shadows would greatly improve the quality of our practice and learning. To draw on a real sheet, I keep the headset slightly raised to have enough space under my nose to see the entire sheet of paper and the pencil. This method allows me to effectively integrate traditional drawing with virtual reality. Currently, there is a function that allows rotating two light sources around the models. Integrating this with self and cast shadows would be truly amazing. Having a primary light source (like the sun) would make it perfect. I would be very grateful if this feature could be implemented in Open Brush. Thank you very much for your attention and for your continued work on improving this fantastic tool....

Spout connection to the Spectator

I would really love a spout out put to the spectator view but lack the understanding to know where this goes in the coding. This is a Klakspout for untiy. Is there Any way we can add this to Open brush ? I lack the coding chops to understand where this goes....

Delete all but visible layers

I am using the beta and have about 130 layers I’m working with and it would really be nice if there was a way to delete every layer except the one I am working with so that I can export to 3D. I seem to have issues with deleting layers individually for some reason they still show up when I exit and re-enter the file

Dynamic occlusion I'd like to be able to see myself or other objects overtop of my art in app...

Better movement while a sketch is being loaded (drawn)

When loading a sketch, while it is drawing itself all the tools are disabled, except for the grip buttons (to zoom in and out, and somewhat move) and the Quick-Load button (for skipping to the completed drawing). If you want to see other sides of the drawing, it's a bit of a hassle to use the grip buttons and move around the scene. However, if the Flying button was turned on, then it would be much easier and more intuitive....

Please bring this app to Playstation 5 and PSVR2

Two years after PSVR2's launch, there is still not a single creative app on it. No sculpting, no painting, nothing. Open Brush needs to fill that gap. I'm getting desperate....

Toon Brush without Cell Shading

The Toon Brush without Cell Shading would be great. The brush "Wire (lit)" is quite similar but not as vibrant.

More Movement Options

The ability to move around using the sticks while holding only one grip button. The left stick could move the user around based on the head position, and the right stick could control the scale.

Enable Steam launch options menu for flags DisableXrMode and EnableMonoscopicMode

STEAM has a launch options menu for exe Flags for example vr 🦸 and nonvr 🥞 launches of vrchat. 🫠 haven't found the documentation page of this because users can add these to the launch options of stuff themselves to steam....
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