Open Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery


Open Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery

Chat, contribute to or get help with Open Brush, Open Blocks and Icosa Gallery. Open source creative tools. VR & not-VR


Export Transparency

I noticed that cel vinyl (and presumably other brushes using alpha mask) can convert the textures to properly transparent using alpha test and blend. Not currently an option on the brushes. Quick test to confirm XR export, and it worked. Gets rid of the black mask border Is this something I can change through modifying the shader?...
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Export From modeller

@TeeDee Alright, just spent a couple hours going through and finding things. Haven't tracked down all my workflow/pipeline/etc folders yet but this is most likely what you're looking for.
You'll want to make sure whatever you want to export is actually selected, if you don't the topology slider will stay at 0% and you won't export anything. Based on what I've found it's probably one of these two settings (most likely the one on the right) (just try both) I've got a lot of test files with a bunch of pipelines scattered through at least a dozen folders, and this was months ago, hopefully gets you on the right track. ...


Anyone tried importing sketches into Spatial? @andybak

Exporting to Spatial

Hello everyone! Im trying to include my GLB to an scene on Unity and I cant. I was reading the older post in #general-questions and thats why Im asking here :). So, if I understand correctly Spatial doesn’t support glb, so I should change it to FBX? And then add the materials one per one? I used this web And worked ok! Now I can see the model in Unity, but Im having trouble with the materials, should I create each material? How...

Combining brushes on export

Hey folks, sorry if this is obvious but how does one combine all the brushes? when I export to FBX and then import to unreal I end up with several meshes when I want just one? At first I thought it was the layers I was using but this seems to persist even when I merge all layers. Do I need to go to blender first?

Error uploading to Icosa

Also any news on what to do with the sketches server error?
We should start a thread if you're going to mix two topics into one conversation!...