Hello everyone! Im trying to include my GLB to an Spatial.io scene on Unity and I cant. I was readin
Hello everyone! Im trying to include my GLB to an Spatial.io scene on Unity and I cant. I was reading the older post in #general-questions and thats why Im asking here :). So, if I understand correctly Spatial doesn’t support glb, so I should change it to FBX? And then add the materials one per one? I used this web https://products.aspose.com/3d/net/conversion/glb-to-fbx/ And worked ok! Now I can see the model in Unity, but Im having trouble with the materials, should I create each material? How did you resolve the material issue? #spatial @andybak @Nash And this pipeline @Nick https://discord.com/channels/783806589991780412/783806589991780415/1115197918849269872 It resolve the material issue?
Convert GLB to FBX via C#
Sample code for GLB to FBX C# conversion. Use API example code for batch GLB files to FBX conversion within VB.NET, Asp.NET or any .NET based application.
17 Replies
Hola , Alguien sabe como abrir GLB en MAYA, y que levante bien los pinceles de open brush??
Hello, does anyone know how to open GLB in MAYA, and how to lift the open brush brushes correctly?
Imports (specific information for adobe medium)
This was recently asked on the facebook forum, so I sort of gathered my notes for the import pipeline.
@andybak might want to review this and tidy it up so we can start some formal documentation somewhere.
Have some other pipeline notes. Did some preliminary work with some other pipelines, but those notes are still semi-complete. Generally speaking regarding imports:
Obj with texture files in the folder is pretty much a sure thing (although may have some data loss or mesh matching issues) GLBs from most programs work and can usually carry animation FBX works if images are packed separately and the version is correct. Not sure about animations here
Have some other pipeline notes. Did some preliminary work with some other pipelines, but those notes are still semi-complete. Generally speaking regarding imports:
Obj with texture files in the folder is pretty much a sure thing (although may have some data loss or mesh matching issues) GLBs from most programs work and can usually carry animation FBX works if images are packed separately and the version is correct. Not sure about animations here
I was able to upload to clusterAPP using Open brush!
Thank you very much😊
メタバースプラットフォーム cluster(クラスター)
【OpenBrush】吹雪の中で聴く津軽三味線 | メタバースプラットフォーム cluster(クラスター)
VRアプリのOpenBrushで描いた手描き吹雪の小さなworldです。津軽三味線を聴きながら色々と想像して下さったら嬉しいです。VRをお持ちの方はVR入室がおススメです( *´艸`)Music:伊藤ケイスケ様【津軽三味線合奏】https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play14289.html
Took me a bit to find the translate button and get a sense for what that site was about
Thanks for looking!!! Sorry for the lack of explanation. Uploaded to cluster, Japan's first virtual SNS.
World uploaded to VRChat 🎨. https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_193a905c-b377-4777-9230-42ddd3302307
[ Blizzard ] OpenBrush by mana50
Anyone tried importing sketches into Spatial? https://docs.spatial.io/supported-features-and-limitations @andybak
I actually launched that today, not exactly on schedule, although figured it was time to look around.
Got the navigation dialed in to where it was manageable for me, a bit of a guide there would be nice.
Explored the tutorial, and then stepped into an orb thing and everything just went black.
Not sure, do I need to register to continue, is that unexpected, or is that the current state of development?
Explored the tutorial, and then stepped into an orb thing and everything just went black.
Not sure, do I need to register to continue, is that unexpected, or is that the current state of development?
Have you logged in to Resonite? If you have registered for the first use, you can go through the worlds.
However, Resonite takes a long time to load worlds depending on your PC specifications. The same is true for larger worlds, which can take a while to become visible.
DeepLで翻訳しました (https://www.deepl.com/app/?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=share-translation)
I sometimes had problems accessing the game too. I use Quest3; it seems to be a Steam issue, but I don't know the cause.
Recently that phenomenon has stopped happening.
I didn't register, that would explain it. The instructions on that weren't real clear that the program would be completely unusable without registration.
Next time
My PC should handle it pretty well, I built it for doing large projects in Medium
GLB imports to Unreal are looking pretty good for the most part! 🙌 Bit weird how you have to import it, but its good!
Uploaded OpenBrush script-plugin artwork to VRChat.
[Franky Xmas] https://vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_95b517d8-8b40-4fda-bc23-43cc86e3737c
Funky Xmas by mana50
OpenBrush illustration Music 【Holiday is Coming】Lesfm:https˸⁄⁄x․gd⁄KQJGL 【My House (Ravshan Remix) by AAP featuring KJ】AAPOfficial:https˸⁄⁄x․gd⁄ycBdD 【Make It Right (Hip-Hop Vlog Background Music)】Mu…
🎨 #Resonite.
It's like an OpenBrush toy box✨
I was playing with it, filling it with different things... Resonite is really interesting because you can draw it and bring it right back 🖊.
#OpenBrush #VRillusuration #3D #VR #NomadSculpt #Procreate #ipad #Quest3
That looks really interesting. Have some halfway decent internet again, will have to get in there before new years
that looks really good!
@andybak I presume none of the shaders work in Unreal? Would the artwork just come up without effects?