when I go to draw it lags, and also there is a jitter or shake, help

Is there a way to make this more smooth, I tried all setting and nothing worked, please help, want to get back in but when it feels like an earthquake I can't work in those conditions.
9 Replies
wecanthearyou2mo ago
are you hitting performance for vr or are you having issues with tracking? https://docs.openbrush.app/user-guide/lazy-input
VRloveOP2mo ago
hmm not sure I'll read the link you provided I did hit the rabbit on the controller and it helped a little bit I dont think its the rabbit or turtle thing, maybe its a tracking issue, I like to draw really fast so maybe its not being tracked
andybak2mo ago
@VRlove Can you provide details on your setup? 1. Which headset? 2. PC specs (if you're running on PC VR) 3. How you're connecting the PC to the headset (i.e. Link via USB, Airlink, Virtual Desktop, Steam Link, ALVR) 4. Is this the Steam version of Open Brush or the Meta Store version?
VRloveOP2mo ago
steam version, valve index, i have the base stations mounted to the wall diagnoly facing each other
andybak2mo ago
pc specs? Mainly the gpu...
VRloveOP2mo ago
the thing is I didn't have a problem with this on my first project using the same pc GPU 0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Driver version: Driver date: 6/25/2024 DirectX version: 12 (FL 12.1) Physical location: PCI bus 1, device 0, function 0 Utilization 0% Dedicated GPU memory 0.8/8.0 GB Shared GPU memory 0.1/15.9 GB GPU Memory 0.9/23.9 GB can you tell anything with the info i provided
andybak2mo ago
the thing is I didn't have a problem with this on my first project using the same pc
Are you saying that Open Brush used to work fine but the shaking started recently? If so - can you provide more detail?
WorldOfShadows2mo ago
I may have an idea what it can be. SteamVR has a nasty bug since Beta 2.8 around August last year with DirectMode HMDs. My Vive Pro 2 and all major high res HMDs are also ridden by this. Affected versions at the time of this post are: Stable 2.8.8 and Beta 2.9.5. The only workaround is downgrading to the [previous] version in the beta tab in the SteamVR properties, which installs version 2.7.4. @VRlove Can you try to switch to that version and try again?
VRloveOP2mo ago
yes I will try, thank you

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