Steam version not working
hello, when launching the app on steam it says hold trigger to paint, you paint with the default brush for one second and then you cant do anything else. plus the hand menu is not showing, only open brush logo. im on last steam version and tried the meta store on pc too, same problem. standalone on my quest 3 seems to work fine but i wanted to play on pc 😢 sometimes when i close the game it shows this message "only one instance of the game can be running at one time"...

7 Replies
Which version of SteamVR itself are you using? Some people have reported issues on the newest beta, but the main release still works. As for that error image, I have no idea what that is! source2 is a valve game engine, it would have nothing to do with us. Not got any SteamVR overlays or anything like that installed?
My SteamVR version is I tried a couple more times, opened it with virtual desktop and dont know how but i could manage to open the hand menu and go through open brush logo, but something happened with the right controller. Once I click the index trigger, either it wont work again or its like im pressing it forever even tho im not. Tried it with Steam link app and it happened again. No SteamVR overlays or anything installed. Only open brush opened
for reference
I noticed some flickering in the menu this time with virtual desktop
and then with steam link it looked more stable but the brush is pressed forever and I cant press anything else too
Huh, I haven’t seen anything like these issues before. The always on/off trigger is very odd, especially as the grip seems to be fine if you removed and replaced the panel?
The tracking drop in the first video though, I do notice your computer is heavily struggling to keep up with rendering based on that frame graph
What’s your GPU? Open Brush isn’t a particularly hard app to render especially with nothing complicated on screen. Whether that’s your PC or your wifi setup, I’m not sure
yes! the grip works fine. the trigger also works as long as im just pressing buttons on the menu, but when i use the brush it messes everything
my gpu is a rtx 3060, didnt really had any problems with it as long as i remember. my wifi works fine with any other pcvr games 🥲 pc is connected to the router via cable also. I tried now with a pc link cable just to make sure, same thing