OpenBrush 3d Shapes APK not working
We sideloaded the APK file on a Quest 3, but when we launch the app - it says hold trigger to paint, but doesn't do anything beyond that.
11 Replies
[deleted, never mind, I misunderstood the question]
Just checking this now
Yep. I can reproduce the problem. I'll fix it by tomorrow (hopefully). I'll update here when it's done.
Thank you!!!!!
Hello - any luck on this? Thanks!
still working on it
out of curiosity - what are interested in doing with the 3d shapes tool? you're aware it's pretty experimental and probably buggy?
Thanks - my son just wanted to mess around with it. He loves open brush. thanks!
Fixed now. There's still a few new bugs but you can mostly work around them.
GitHub - IxxyXR/polyhydra-core: A polyhedral mesh generation librar...
A polyhedral mesh generation library for Unity based on the halfedge data structure - IxxyXR/polyhydra-core
Where can we download the updated file?
we found it! thanks had to uninstall the old APK first
owe you a few beers!
I have beers. Make cool videos or social media posts and shout from the rooftops about how great Open Brush is. 😉
For sure! WIll do