Serious issues with belt tension/IS after installing FMMM mod
Hi all,
As the title states I just got done installing the FMMM mod and am noticing a drastic decline in my belt tension graph and IS. What could be causing this?...
ringing after IS
im having some issues with ringing after IS. i have set the values to the recommended but still get ringing.
am i missing something?
nozzle 0.6...
v-minion y-axis woes
I have a conventional adxl on the x-axis and a kusba on the y-axis. below are my graphs. i am happy with x and dont know what to do with y. any help is great appreciated
Flat frequency response on one axis
Do we agree that I have a problem with my build ?
Vcore 3.1 with enclosure (but I haven't mounted the acrylic plates yet), 300mm....
EBB36 adxl axis swapping
I'm setting up a new toolboard and it is mounted on the back side of the tool head. Looking at the initial belt tension I think the axes need to be swapped. I added 'axes_map: x, z, y' to config, but it doesn't seem to change. Am I missing something?
Post Enclosure Kit Resonance
VCore 3.1 500. Just added the Enclosure kit, but not the panels yet.
At the same time, I replaced the printed motor cages, idlers, and joiners with metal plates.
Now my resonance is weird and I've been chasing it all day. The extra weird ones are the Y. I do not know what is going on there.
Second peak offset, first peak perfect
Is anyone willing to let me know where to look at to solve that second peak not being aligned as the first one is?
Something drastic on X
I've just run the input shaper for the first time in a little while, and I've got some drastic issue on the X axis that I'm not sure about. I've given everything on the toolhead a bit of a wiggle and it seems relatively stable - is there something obvious I'm missing? thanks!
shaper graphs not showing up in folder
any ideas why after I run shaper calibrate or any adxl345 commands with success the graphs are not in input shaper folde?
double peaks on x axes
just finished rebuilding my VC 500 into a VC 3.1 AWD and ive used spectroid to get the belts even and no matte what i try my belt tensions never match and no my x has this brutal double peak and ive tightened ever single screw there is and adjusted the belts over and over again but it wont go away
Something seriously wrong with my machine
After enclosing my VC3.1 300 and changing all parts to ABS - this is the best I can get after think ~100 attempts to tune/measure belts
Any ideas what is wrong and how to fix?...
Can't work out what this peak is
I have this peak when testing the belts. Nothing along the belt path is binding I just can't work out what it could be. Running ebb42. Switched to a completely different toolhead assembly and it's still present.
Belt tension graph is not behaving
I've tried everything, this is the best I can get..
Any help is appreciated...
what should I be aiming for for belt tension?
I've gotten the belts relative close in tension but what frequency should I be aiming for? Do the belts need to be tighter or looser?
Help for a newbs. How to adjust the belt tension ?
i generate the graphic for the belt tension, how i can read the graphic and how i adjust the tension on the v-core 3.1 ?
Sorry for the question but i 'm a noob
A resonance study - test series
...was having an alternate conversation and a few points were brought, correcting my (misguided?) insight that was based on what i'd been seeing in my setup.
So off i went to run a bunch of tests. Using my scale pull test to set a calibration point on my meter I set my belt tensions to 1 lbs, 2 lbs, 5lbs, and 10 lbs. running belt tension tests ate each tension. 'THE' tuning video says you should have two peaks per belt tension. BUT... I'm now running into manufacture specs vs end user prescriptions that do not agree. At 1-2 lbs, I kind of get a sloppy graph with a second peak for each belt. but I can watch the belts vibrate badly and slap the frame and even the gantry on this VC500 at those low tensions. At 5lbs (which is still well below the manfuactures suggested tension) I get one sharp peak, and no secondary peak as the video suggests.
At 5+lbs, (apparently I was running at around 6.5 lbs) is my highest acceleration suggestions when running input shaper.
AWD enclosed VC 3.1 500 y belt tension issue
ok so im doing the belt tension right now and my x axis is looking very good, however my y is not. im looking for some input on what to try next to better suit my y axis. where are the graphs. the rear motor are FMMM tensionless back plate the only tensioners are built into the AWD motor mounts at the front.
High peak at around 130Hz in belt tension with FMMM
I've been searching for a while now and checked almost every part of the printer. I checked every part on the EVA and every idler bearing. The tolerances are fine, nothing is overtightened. Nothing is rattling except for the SSR in the Back on a DIN-Rail a bit.
At this point I'm really clueless what is causing this high peak.
I recently switched to the FMMM Mod and have Metal mounts for the front idlers too....