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All posts for Xata
Could you help me, please? My database
Hi, the code and types files don't auto
Good day everyone,
The workspaces I am working on, are all
Connect to Postgres
were options like `start`, `end`,
Hi, I am having issues restoring data
Hey guys, I tried to run kysely
Hey, I got xata working with kysely on
Good day everyone, there is a little UI
is that a prank ?
Generated url
Can anyone share me the docs for
do you know how we can create enum in
Does anyone have an automation to
Is there any updates on this?
Hi, is it possible to use xata import
Hi! Anyone having issues on the Web-UI
I am using N8N and keep getting the
How to make this adaptation
hi, why i can't insert record using
is there currently a way, while creating
Connect to Postgres
Hey any chance sorting would support
quick question, how can i get all
Hi there, has anyone used Flyway with
Query Table Data
Hi, just one small thing:
there any option to change field type
hi one question, the xata_id its always
hi im just testing xata, i need to
Wink wink. Day 4 of our Easter Egg hunt!
specifically, creating new branches?
Hi, Does Xata have any support for
How Xata works
Drizzle with Xata
Native support for IPFS (Interplanetary ...
Hey alexf, thank you!, currently I am
Actually Cockroach doesn't support this
Hey guys, quick question, is the vector
Hey minester16 recursion in the TS SDK
the limits e g 15GB in the free tier are
The CLI command ` xata schema dump f
What is the best way to handle this kind
Any caching strategy when using Xata
this link return 500 https xata io docs
edit columns
Inferring Types
Images and attachment update
Search Table | Xata
Hey folks 👋 Got access yesterday and
Did my PostgreSQL database just get wiped?
Active Migration Won't Complete
Numeric ID for transfer codes
Pgroll support for creating index on huge table with frequent reads & writes
Identity table sequence name is ignored
Connect xata-db with
@auth/xata-adapter issue.
invalid or expired jwt
Migrations failed on git update
Error: branch [sharai:develop] has search disabled
Connection terminated unexpectedly
table().get_schema(name) fails with table (name) not found, search_and_filter().query(table) works
Drizzle pull/push: Permission denied for view pg_stat_user_indexes
Help with Drizzle
Branch copy has old schema version
Error using aggregation: search disabled
postgreSQL alternative
Error: Out of Memory when creating a new sequence on pg-enabled DBs
CLI/programmatic migrations for pg-enabled dbs
`SET` and `current_setting` Usage in Xata
Option apiKey is required
pgroll with drizzle generated migrations - possible?
Requests that go on forever and no response
Probably a bug
pgroll.is_active_migration_period Error
Cannot to run non-interactive xata init
Unable to link a field to table via Xata SDK (JS/TS)
Codegen timeouts
Help with initializing pgroll
Cannot install Xata CLI in Linux using the script or homebrew
Performance Concern - Database Migration Latency
New Xata dedicated cluster version string?
Xata Dashboard error when trying to delete a file
Need help with: invalid SQL: table [main/excluded] not found
Push into an existing array with xata's SDK
python xata client out of sync when using .data() vector search
permission denied for schema
Merge dev branch to main branch
Transfer ownership in free plan
How can I get data from a different table when adding a column? - Multi Schema Migrations
Kysely types - ID
Custom id field in transaction update operations
using pgstream to replicate Azure Postgres Flexible Server
summarize pagination
Added a column 6 hours ago, and it is still doing a migration
Import a CSV file with text[] column type
.search Issue
FetcherError: Internal Error
What support is there for database events?
Writing data from Kafka topic to database
is branch-ing ready for production use.
Error when using Xata on AWS Lambda
Several connection problems with Datagrip
Cannot connect to by database with DataGrip
SSL Cert
pgvx: complex return types
Exclude special columns when fetching records
Search Method Cache issue
Xata dedicated instance version string
table [Zeldadle:main/zelda_daily_boss] is not compatible with xata; please adapt it
"Projection/Select" in search queries?
File-Type Columns no work
Links (Relationships) database structure and filter / query approach
REST API - Unknown Column Type
Unable to get query using dynamic table
Sql over http unused parameters.
unable to execute start operation: pq: syntax error at or near ")"
Column is not an object or link
Do i need to create a cluster to have an autoscaling DB ?
High severity vulnerabilities when installing
Had a question, is there a way to store long text
Error: Option apiKey is required in Remix loader
Query execution issue with CTE in xata.sql
XATA > N8N suddenly throwing: this endpoint works only with non postgres enabled branches
Unable to create text field with unique constraint from UI
"now" as default value for timestamp not working
Prisma changes not being applied to database on specific fields.
identityName.startsWith is not a function
Error when trying to apply schema.json after I just dumped it
ERROR: permission denied for schema public
Incorrect DB branch name on Vercel previews for Renovate branches
Plans to support Railway for PR based workflows?
A problem with Drizzle and Auth.js
⨯ FetcherError: dbname: invalid branch name when using client@next ts sdk
Xata internal postgres fields - can I rely on them?
Problems setting up Drizzle ORM with HTTP client via client/cli@ne
What is good practice with Xata's (Multi-version Schema) Migrations?
Queries in the dashboard issue
What is the general SDLC when using Xata?
When are connections to the cluster available during the moving of a branch?
Hosting services for the .Net Core Web Application
Schema and tables
Immutability & tamper-proofing?
bool type is missing in web-ui dropdown
Initialiaztion client in python
Unable to log in to prod branch main after using PR based workflow
Error using pg_dump
Ident authentication failed for user "username"
Vector search with filtering.
Pgroll vs ariga/Atlas
Vercel integration is not setting the XATA_BRANCH
pgroll with pg-enabled db
Issues connecting to the database
how to show all results in react app?
xata raises error if `RESET ALL;` is called
Is it possible to restrict api key to specific branch only?
Using prisma to create a new record with a file column
Custom env variable names
schema migration to add link between users and projects tables.
Cannot destructure property 'id' of 'raw' as it is null (following the Astro tut)
pg_dump: error: query failed: SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected
Database error: error parsing response from server: `S` field missing
what is the ideal column type to store the content of a Tiptap editor?
Issues connecting to the database
Xata pull issue
setting "default_tablespace" is not allowed
Vercel connections timeout when using a transaction
Type mismatch: expected vector..
I'm getting the following error when creating a record on this 'vectors' table
Preview branches are not being created for Vercel/Github extension
File Upload URLs Fails with CORS
xata.ts not being generated after command failure
Signed URLs in Xata dashboard (and my app) cease to function
Cursor Pagination Broken
How can I restrict the API access to a specific branch?
Reverse links typescript
Xata issues with environment variables in NestJS
I need help with this Django project
Generate pgroll migration file from a current postgres schema
PGRoll constraints not visible in latest migration
Filtering searches, row size limitations
Search duplication latency
Multiple schemas in pgroll
Raw SQL references
Complete application database OST workflow
xata push main
file attachments names have many weird requirements
No module named 'xata'
summarize columns linked table
Filter with link table json field
is it safe to publish xata url (.xatarc file)
Not able to connect directly access DB using pgAdmin
how to make am update request without returning Xata metadata?
`xata pull <branch>` results in a high number of migration files - Safe to ignore?
Return types of search
Re-executing Drizzle Kit push fails after successful push
Transactions API
how i can link two table like this
Increase check limit on text
Can we use ULIDs without a dedicated cluster?
Am I forced to use Xata_id?
Unable to get file attachment url when using xata.sql
Stripe / Payload CMS integration...
inner join with rest api?
Issues with summarize table api rest
Is it possible to do a sorted search?
manage ilike in api?
Migrations with Drizzle
Parent Document Retriever in Xata
Hi, trying to connect to a sample DB created by my self from Intellij IDEA, receive an error:
Is Xata powerful?
Non-default file attributes not accessible via Kysely query builder
Type of index
How to run X number of operations in transaction
How to filter file column based on the size of the array with the TS SDK
Get one record
Does type "serial" exist in Xata/Drizzle?
Copy main branch data to a branch
Link to table
Search Relation table
Double filtering by table
Xata DB Clone & Xata permissions
SQL Query working differently in playground vs SDK
Cannot perform I/O on behalf of a different request in Cloudflare Workers
Storing objects of a specific class
Xata Starter Guide Next.JS trouble
Route handlers in Next.js
Drizzle ORM schema conflict with xata_createdat and xata_updatedat
Error on Generated Column
Remix v2.8.1 (vite) on Vercel serverless function timeout when making xata db calls
Should I commit `.ledger` dir
Directly connect to Postgres instance
Drizzle integration not working anymore
Making file attachment column public by default
File attachments disappearing when editing a column form web-ui
`toSerializable()` makes column types {orginal_type} | undefined
Db server in India
What is the best way to connect to two databases to the same project?
Restore deleted rows
Field Names that are all caps cause Typescript Error.
Query syntax in Typescript sdk
My Web UI seems to be down currently
Idea for Table-UI
Is there a easier way to handle JSONData without type checking every time
Question about types in the Typescript client
Next.js file attachment
Running queries with DISTINCT
Different results using summarize vs filtering
Diagnosing Constraint Violation
Can IDs of rows in different branches collide?
Slow Intellisense using VSCode on large Typescript Project
Error when Using 'Use Client' in Next 13 App folder
Objects with json columns after a summaries request provide properties as strings
Import CSV from UI saves data in `main` branch but not in the selected branch
Error in Next.js app with inserting a record
Migrations across workspaces
Export table as .csv
updateOrReplace by field
Property db doesn't exist on XataClient
Can't install xata cli
Table not found in schema
Exploring Migrations
How safe is my data in Xata?
Deno support for deps.ts