When are connections to the cluster available during the moving of a branch?

For several minutes the branches are moving to a newly provisioned cluster. When are new connections to the branch made to the cluster?
30 Replies
tsg7mo ago
hi, looking into it now I see the branch move error out, I'm going to cancel it for now as it might be a transient issue
Michael Schaufelberger
could it be a version mismatch? i accidentally provisioned the cluster 1 minor version below what the shared cluster has
tsg7mo ago
for now the error is a connectivity issue, like at networking level. I'm checking if it's maybe something transient or a mis-configuraion on our side
Michael Schaufelberger
The goal is to scale more since we went live and ran into scalability issues due to max concurrent connections.
tsg7mo ago
aha, let me then see if I can increase that temporarily for you on the shared cluster, while we figure this out one sec
Michael Schaufelberger
thank you! the affected branch is called "main"
tsg7mo ago
and dbname is partner-tool, right?
Damiano7mo ago
Yes, that's correct.
tsg7mo ago
do you have a rough idea of how many connection you'd need? Also double checking: you are hitting an issue with the connections over the wire protocol, not the concurrency limit over the API, correct?
Michael Schaufelberger
the problem is, with vercel we have no idea how many serverless functions are actually created. yes, we are directly connecting over tcp.
tsg7mo ago
ok, I've increased it to 50, let me know if that seems to help from vercel it might be better to use our SQL over HTTP proxy for this reason
Michael Schaufelberger
we have also reduced the pg pooling "max" setting from 5 to 3. the problem is, we are frequently using transactions where we run code in between (drizzle-orm)
tsg7mo ago
I see, gotcha
Michael Schaufelberger
this is something we cannot currently do over http afaik
tsg7mo ago
yes, that's correct ok, then let's see if 50 helps, in the meantime we'll see what went wrong with the branch move let me know what you see on your side
Michael Schaufelberger
Ok, we will. Thank you. Quick question, I thought the pro plan's limit is 60. Is this not the case? Or is there also a limit per branch?
tsg7mo ago
ah, that could be
Michael Schaufelberger
Also, is there a way to check how many connections are currently open? Either through the dashboard or e.g. DBeaver @tsg We are running again into the same issue.
tsg7mo ago
sorry, was in a call, coming back to it sorry, indeed, I had it in my mind that the Pro connection limit is 20, but you are right it's 60. I have increased it to 200 now, hopefully that works
tsg7mo ago
once you move to a dedicate cluster, you will get a view on this, something like:
No description
Michael Schaufelberger
perfect, thanks
tsg7mo ago
looking at the shared cluster that you are on, I see a peak around 14:30 CET. Is that when you were seeing most errors?
Michael Schaufelberger
the first burst we had, was at ~<t:1725029400:t> the branches are still marked as moving, is this expected atm?
tsg7mo ago
I just canceled it now at least the one for main, are others in progress? I see the preview branch is also marked as moving, I'm going to cancel that one as well ok, done (the "move" wasn't really doing anything at this point, because it failed early on)
Michael Schaufelberger
Thank you so much! The increase seems to have helped and there shouldn't be any more bursts today. Is there anything we can do differently regarding cluster provisioning? Feel free to provision a new one with the same scalability settings and/or a different version etc. if necessary.
tsg7mo ago
ok, great, I'll keep you up to date the connectivity issue that caused the branch move to fail should be solved now. Let me know if you'd like us to retry the branch move over the weekend, or you prefer to wait until Monday.
Michael Schaufelberger
Thank you. It would be great to have it moved before Monday 9AM CEST. Preferably, to a cluster with the same version as the shared cluster is on right now. I can do this over the weekend myself, I assume, correct? If yes, I will provision a new cluster (as we were in hurry, we didn't think about the other cluster settings) and terminate the current one. I must once more thank you for the fast response time! I appreciate it! 🙏 We can't wait to scale with Xata 🚀
tsg7mo ago
yes, you can provision a new cluster and terminate the old one. Perhaps give me a ping when you are about to start the branch move, but I'd expect it to work fine
Michael Schaufelberger
Hi @tsg Thank you for the update. I've just started provisioning a new cluster. As soon that's done, I will make a backup and start the move of the main branch again. I will ping you if the move is taking more than 30 minutes - no need to actively monitor from the start. I'll post an update here if it's successful as well. It seems to have worked 🥳 At least the branch management mentions the cluster assignment 👍
tsg7mo ago

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