Xata13mo ago


Hi there, I have a simple question, is it possible to specify a specific region for a database? My web app is hosted in the UK and I think the nearest Xata region will be in Dublin
4 Replies
kostas13mo ago
Hi! When adding a new database, Xata provides a list of available regions for your database location. Currently we offer eu-west-1,eu-central-1,ap-southeast-2,ues-east-1,us-west-2 and we may add new regions in the future.
No description
maxfi13mo ago
@kostas Is it possible to migrate the database to a different region at a later stage after the initial region selection?
kostas13mo ago
Not built into the platform, but there are a couple relatively easy options, as long as you're not using file columns. There is this script: https://github.com/xataio/xtools/tree/main/xreplay which will clone a database across regions. Or, you can use export to CSV -> import to a new database in the Web UI or the CLI. Neither of those methods supports migrating file attachments though. We have an open feature request https://feedback.xata.io/feature-requests/p/relocate-database which will be possible in the future once we support standard postgres tooling (pgdump and pgrestore)
maxfi13mo ago
Awesome! Sounds easy enough. 👍 Thanks @kostas 🙏

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