Xata9mo ago

file attachments names have many weird requirements

For some filenames, I get: offset 32: unprintable symbols are not allowed when trying to upload or Unicode characters not allowed. This is a bit annoying to take care of. S3 does not have these limitations so I'm wondering why the Xata SDK has them. Could you please either extend the allowed charset to the same that S3 uses OR list the exact requirements for filenames in the docs?
5 Replies
kostas9mo ago
Hi, the character set allowed for file names is UTF-8 encoded excluding control characters (such as \n, \r, \t - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_character) and excluding the following: 0x00-0x1F,0x7F,\",*,/,:,<,>,?,\\,| You are right this is missing from docs. We will follow up with a reference there.
Rick182OP9mo ago
thx! @kostas Another question: Are you currently supporting webhooks on Pro plan? This would be useful for validation after upload using a presigned url
kostas9mo ago
Webhook support is not available yet in Xata. It is part of our roadmap: https://xata.io/roadmap see "Real time webhooks and triggers", so it will be included in a future dev cycle. I do see the value in what you describe - validating the upload.
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See what we are working on and what is coming next.
kostas9mo ago
A relevant docs note is added here: https://xata.io/docs/sdk/file-attachments#record-apis File names may consist of UTF-8 encoded ASCII excluding: control characters (0x00-0x1F,0x7F such as \r,\n,\t) and special characters ",*,/,:,<,>,?,\,|. Thank you for pointing this out!
Rick182OP9mo ago
thanks for the quick support!

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