Created by Rick182 on 7/10/2024 in #help
Preview branches are not being created for Vercel/Github extension
I don't know why. Everything worked normal a couple days ago
7 replies
Created by Rick182 on 6/20/2024 in #help
file attachments names have many weird requirements
For some filenames, I get: offset 32: unprintable symbols are not allowed when trying to upload or Unicode characters not allowed. This is a bit annoying to take care of. S3 does not have these limitations so I'm wondering why the Xata SDK has them. Could you please either extend the allowed charset to the same that S3 uses OR list the exact requirements for filenames in the docs?
7 replies
Created by Rick182 on 5/6/2024 in #help
Non-default file attributes not accessible via Kysely query builder
If I try to fetch a file.signedUrl or file.uploadUrl using the Kysely query builder, null is returned even though the file exists. Are these properties only accessible via the Xata SDK as of now? If yes, this is a bit annoying because my Schema is very normalized and I need a lot of JOINs that are unsupported by the SDK atm. I tried several different methods to access the file.signedUrl property but this one would be the easiest way to access it (if it would work):
await kyseleyClient
.select(({ ref }) => [ref('file', '->').key('signedUrl')])
await kyseleyClient
.select(({ ref }) => [ref('file', '->').key('signedUrl')])
3 replies
Created by Rick182 on 3/8/2024 in #help
Directly connect to Postgres instance
Hi! I love working with the Xata UI and SDK! I really miss some features like setting up Triggers and Indices myself. Will this be available with with the the roadmap item "Exposing PostgreSQL: Expose the PostgreSQL wire protocol to directly connect to the Xata PostgreSQL database and your favorite ORMs."? When can we roughly expect to have this functionality?
4 replies
Created by Rick182 on 12/21/2023 in #help
My Web UI seems to be down currently
This request from dataPlanefetcher.ts is pending since a couple of minutes. I tried refreshing, signing out and in, clearing cache but nothing seems to be working. The request is just not getting through and my UI is completely empty. this is the section in the client-side code that fires the request: dataPlanefetcher.ts:94:
const response = await fetch(route, {
method: method.toUpperCase(),
body: parseBody(body, headers),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Xata-Client-ID': context?.application_id ?? '',
'X-Xata-Session-ID': context?.session_id ?? '',
'X-Xata-Agent': 'service=frontend',
// 'X-xata-cell-id': 'legacy',
// The host header is needed by Node.js on localhost.
// It is ignored by fetch() in the frontend
Host: hostHeaderForWorkspace(workspace, region)
const response = await fetch(route, {
method: method.toUpperCase(),
body: parseBody(body, headers),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Xata-Client-ID': context?.application_id ?? '',
'X-Xata-Session-ID': context?.session_id ?? '',
'X-Xata-Agent': 'service=frontend',
// 'X-xata-cell-id': 'legacy',
// The host header is needed by Node.js on localhost.
// It is ignored by fetch() in the frontend
Host: hostHeaderForWorkspace(workspace, region)
7 replies
Created by Rick182 on 12/19/2023 in #help
Idea for Table-UI
Hi 🙂 I have an idea that would improve the UI: Have all columns unselected by default for (large) tables. I currently have a table with ~200 columns and 300 entries and it takes a while to load and unselect columns. If I would keep all columns selected, filtering would basically be impossible. If other users prefer to have the columns pre-selected, maybe a user-setting could provide customizability? Basically just a boolean that asks wether colums should be un/pre-selected.
4 replies
Created by Rick182 on 10/24/2023 in #help
Can IDs of rows in different branches collide?
I'm using S3 and storing objects based on Xata ID's. Example: When I'm creating/deleting multiple test users (different Xata branch than main) and creating/deleting S3 objects along with them, is there a risk of overwriting actual user objects in S3? Currently the ID is the only differing part in the S3 path of the objects so I'm treating the ID's as globally unique. Could not find this in the Docs
3 replies
Created by Rick182 on 10/17/2023 in #help
Slow Intellisense using VSCode on large Typescript Project
Hi everyone, I've been using Xata for ~2 months now on a Sveltekit+Typescript Project as my main DB. Overall I'm very happy and love the SDK! As my project is getting increasingly large (~10k lines of code + 30 dependencies/packages) I noticed that the Intellisense for the Xata SDK is slowing down. E.g. it takes up to 15 seconds for inline suggestions and "go to definition". This is really slowing down my productivity. I already tried disabling Extensions, which made it a little better, but Intellisense is still pretty slow. I already looked into Stackoverflow and other resources, trying to mitigate potential Typescript/VSCode issues. I'm pretty lost. Did anyone experience something similar? Could this be a Xata-specific issue? Any help appreciated 🙂
30 replies