


This is Xata's community Discord server, where we discuss all things Xata: projects, features, dreams!




Incorrect DB branch name on Vercel previews for Renovate branches

Hi folks, I've noticed in the last few days that for branches like renovate/lock-file-maintenance I'm getting build errors on Vercel like database branch [REPO:preview-USER-renovate] not found. Has something changed recently or am I doing something incorrectly? I'm guessing the branch name should be REPO:preview-USER-renovate-lock-file-maintenance and that something is going wrong in the construction of the DB branch name due to the /.

Plans to support Railway for PR based workflows?

Would be great to have env variables injected on automatic Github PR deployments that Railway creates. https://docs.railway.app/guides/github-autodeploys Is this on the roadmap?...

A problem with Drizzle and Auth.js

Hey I try to use Auth.js together with Drizzle and as the DB Xata.io. I set everything up and then just copied the Drizzle Schema from the official Auth.js site (https://authjs.dev/getting-started/adapters/drizzle) . When I try to do push it to the DB (npx drizzle-kit push) I get the following error: error: relation "public.user" does not exist { length: 349,...

⨯ FetcherError: dbname: invalid branch name when using client@next ts sdk

Hi, I'm trying to use Xata with postgres enabled via the @next ts sdk. Firstly, the client generation seems broken, as mentioned in my previous post. But secondly, when I try and make a request I'm getting: ⨯ FetcherError: mydbname: invalid branch name ...

Xata internal postgres fields - can I rely on them?

Hi, I'm just trying to get started with Xata (with postgres enabled). I chose to use prisma to manage the database schema and db migrations and the xata ts client/sdk for accessing the db. All was going well and I decided to try and set up CI/CD properly, which included checking the xata files out of git and regenerating the client (using a prisma schema as source of truth) in the CI/CD pipeline....

Problems setting up Drizzle ORM with HTTP client via client/cli@ne

Hi, I'm having some trouble setting up the drizzle ORM with http client. In particular following https://xata.io/docs/integrations/drizzle, I'm running yarn add @xata.io/client@next...

What is good practice with Xata's (Multi-version Schema) Migrations?

For now, we have used mainly Drizzle Kit for our migration needs. However, we are at a point where we would like to use Xata's Multi-Version schema feature. What's a good workflow that allows for good DX and safe migrations? With "normal" Xata migrations, every single schema change is a migration and results in its own file. This is suboptimal DX since during development you may have to add a field, rename it and delete it again until you have found the best schema for a feature and have many files in the end that are difficult to review....

Queries in the dashboard issue

Hi, I've been running some queries on the dashboard, but there are errors parsing nested relationships. It looks like this is an issue with the ReactJson component being used in the front-end. The error displayed is "Failed to parse link for field"
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What is the general SDLC when using Xata?

We are starting a new project utilizing Xata. I am not understanding the ways to build out our data structure. Can this be done and maintained in code, or is all the data structure configured in the Xata.io UI? At this point we are looking to use Xata natively and not with an ORM like Drizzle....

When are connections to the cluster available during the moving of a branch?

For several minutes the branches are moving to a newly provisioned cluster. When are new connections to the branch made to the cluster?

Hosting services for the .Net Core Web Application

I want to use Xata Serverless Postgres in a .Net Core Application in the US East (N. Virginia) region. Which hosting services for the .Net Core Web application do you recommend considering low latency between the database and the application and also cost-effectiveness?...

Schema and tables

New to Xata and confused. I have a dbt project that uses a specific schema name and within that schema will be all my tables. I don't see anything in the UI where I can set the schema name. I also tried to upload csv files that are part of the seed data, it adds additional columns, it renames the columns in the seed files (from id to xata_id), and in one columns it removed the values making it all NULLs. I might be missing something here but I've never seen a postgres db behave like this. Is this broken?...

Immutability & tamper-proofing?

Hey! Are there any plans to expand the scope of Xata into the immutability/ledger db space? We have solutions such as ImmuDB, Dolt SQL, XTDB, SQL Server 2022 Ledger and so on which provides cryptographically verifiable tamper-proofing of data (i.e., you cannot change data in the database without traces). Does Xata see this as something within its scope?

bool type is missing in web-ui dropdown

hello, i'm trying to add a bool type column to my table from xata.io web ui. i don't find the option in this dropdown. any idea what is wrong?
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Initialiaztion client in python

I added .env file in which are db_url,api_key.But when i in main.py initialize client i got File "C:\Users\pvukovic\Desktop\AI_projects\ChatDocko_demo\backend\main.py", line 7, in <module> xata = XataClient(api_key=api_key, db_url=DB_URL) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\pvukovic\AppData\Local\miniconda3\envs\chatdocky\Lib\site-packages\xata\client.py", line 111, in init ) = self._get_workspace_id()...

Unable to log in to prod branch main after using PR based workflow

I was eager to try out this feature but may have done something wrong along the way. I use next-auth in this Next.js project on Vercel. I have the Vercel integration aswell. I can log in to the site as a user on the preview branch, but now my users and me can't log in the prod site on main. Any suggestions?...
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Error using pg_dump

I was able to use pg_dump just last week to dump my database. Today when I tried, I get this error: pg_dump: error: query failed: couldn't get first string argument pg_dump: detail: Query was: SELECT set_config(name, 'view, foreign-table', false) FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'restrict_nonsystem_relation_kind'...

Ident authentication failed for user "username"

I am getting the following error while migrating the schema using drizzle-kit
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Vector search with filtering.

Hi! I am interested in the ordering in vector search with filtering. 1. First the search is performed and then filtering and we may have empty results. 2. First filtering and then search and as a result we always have a given number of documents in the search. I assumed that Xata had the second method and the code was customized for it. The program worked and there were no problems. But then errors started to occur (probably due to more testing) and it turned out that the first option worked. Is this true or not? Thank you....
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Pgroll vs ariga/Atlas

Hello, Thanks for this great tool! I discovered pgroll while trying to improve my database migration management. I had also found ariga/Atlas ( https://github.com/ariga/atlas) and I can't find or identify the strengths and weaknesses of either tool. Can you help me compare the two tools? Thanks in advance 💚...