Identity table sequence name is ignored

When creating an identity column via id int PRIMARY KEY GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (SEQUENCE NAME blobs_id_seq ...) the sequence name is then returned as a number (i.e. 6088102) this causes issues with migrations via drizzle-kit push is this a limitation of the free plan and are there any ways around it?
2 Replies
michaeltintiucOP7d ago
Filed a bug with Drizzle as well just in case:
[BUG]: Xata drizzle-kit push zod validation error · Issue #4132 · d...
Report hasn't been filed before. I have verified that the bug I'm about to report hasn't been filed before. What version of drizzle-orm are you using? 0.39.3 What version of drizzle-kit...
cmck7d ago
Hi thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'll see if I can recreate and I'll raise the issue with our team. 👍

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