Xata15mo ago

My Web UI seems to be down currently

This request from dataPlanefetcher.ts is pending since a couple of minutes. I tried refreshing, signing out and in, clearing cache but nothing seems to be working. The request is just not getting through and my UI is completely empty. this is the section in the client-side code that fires the request: dataPlanefetcher.ts:94:
const response = await fetch(route, {
method: method.toUpperCase(),
body: parseBody(body, headers),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Xata-Client-ID': context?.application_id ?? '',
'X-Xata-Session-ID': context?.session_id ?? '',
'X-Xata-Agent': 'service=frontend',
// 'X-xata-cell-id': 'legacy',
// The host header is needed by Node.js on localhost.
// It is ignored by fetch() in the frontend
Host: hostHeaderForWorkspace(workspace, region)
const response = await fetch(route, {
method: method.toUpperCase(),
body: parseBody(body, headers),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Xata-Client-ID': context?.application_id ?? '',
'X-Xata-Session-ID': context?.session_id ?? '',
'X-Xata-Agent': 'service=frontend',
// 'X-xata-cell-id': 'legacy',
// The host header is needed by Node.js on localhost.
// It is ignored by fetch() in the frontend
Host: hostHeaderForWorkspace(workspace, region)
4 Replies
tsg15mo ago
Hi, I am sorry about the issues. We don’t see general issues with the frontend at the moment. Could you tell me your workspace ID (it’s in the URL) so we can investigate this quickly?
kostas15mo ago
Is it the landing page app.xata.io that shows empty? What if you try to access your workspace URL directly? https://app.xata.io/workspaces/gbvlum Can you try with another browser in case the issue is caused by some browser plugin? If the issue persists, can you enable the "Allow support to view your workspace" toggle ? This will allow us to log in to your workspace and check further. As an update, we believe we've narrowed down the source of the issue you encountered to a problem filter modal when linking records, which doesn't provide the available columns as a dropdown but instead lets you enter free-form text. We created an internal issue and we're going to work on it. Let us know if the issue persists with a "fresh" session on another browser maybe.
Rick182OP15mo ago
Hi, quick update: currently it works again. Still on the same session I believe. Thanks! 👍 I should have been a bit more clear in my description but I was in a rush. The workspace and the tables of my own DB were affected. If you still want to investigate further, I'll send you my workspace ID but currently everything looks okay from my side. PS: Can't open the Issue-Link (I think the repo is private)
kostas15mo ago
Glad to hear it works now! We believe we have detected accurately what triggered the issue, at the link record filter. We will work on a permanent fix. You're right the issue is private so I amended it.

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