.search Issue
Hello! I have been using the .search functionality of xata for a few weeks and a few days ago it stopped working out of nowhere. Does anyone know if it is a xata problem or a problem with my project?

12 Replies
and returns this { records: [], totalCount: 0 }
Hi Triqueta, thanks for bringing this up. Does the same occur when you run a search in the xata browser?
I did it and it gave me the same result, by the way I leave you the table I'm pointing to so you have more information

The error in target is this:
Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite.(2589)
i dont understend
And there is the names of products

Thanks for the added context. Does your database have a "Search engine" tab in the bottom left? Can you search iphone in the search bar and verify if rows are returned?
Yeah! Sorry for not understanding it before, there it is.

Thanks for confirming. I wasn't able to recreate this issue in my own environment. Could you enable support access to the database so we can take a look?
I already did it, now what do I have to do?
Thanks, we'll take a look and see if we can spot the issue with search, thanks for bearing with us
i send a request with my issue, my email is [email protected]
I'm sorry but I have another question, in this same project I am using a summarize to generate reports, and I am having problems with the data that I can bring because if I want to bring specific data from the records I have to put them in columns and they continue to be subdivided, let's say, What I need is a kind of select, which does not work in the summarize. Is there any solution for this?
I sorry for my bad english
Sorry for the delay, can you filter within the summarize to aggregate the data you want? https://xata.io/docs/sdk/summarize#summariesfilter
If you have an example and desired result I might be able to recreate the issue and see if I can come up with a solution.
Perform calculations and get insights on a set of records using the Xata SDK