Xata9mo ago

Hi there, has anyone used Flyway with

Hi there, has anyone used Flyway with Xata? We use Spring Boot with Flyway and it calls SET ROLE under the hood which leads to an error, cause SET ROLE is not supported
3 Replies
tsg9mo ago
I haven't tried Flyway yet, but indeed SET ROLE is not supported. I wonder if Flyway has a way to disable that?
Shoot3ROP9mo ago
I was looking for that, have not found
kostas9mo ago
The initSql parameter might be the configuration that can override this, see: https://documentation.red-gate.com/flyway/flyway-cli-and-api/configuration/parameters/environments/init-sql In the flyway CLI docs, flyway.initSql is used for set role: https://github.com/flyway/flyway/blob/main/documentation/Flyway%20CLI%20and%20API/Usage/Command-line/Command-line%20-%20baseline.md so it looks like a default that can be overridden by setting the initSql parameter. I wasn't able to find how to pass this as a parameter in the desktop app though for the connection test.

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