Import CSV from UI saves data in `main` branch but not in the selected branch

Hi team, We are testing the import and export through CSV, and found out that when using the UI the data exported from a branch it is imported directly into the main branch, but not in the selected branch.
9 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown User12mo ago
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Eusebio Trigo
Eusebio Trigo12mo ago
Select a branch, and export current view (If you have referenced columns and the xata.createdAt, hide them) to get the CSV. Go to a new workspace and create a new branch. In Tables / Add a table, import the CSV file from the previous step. Expected: Tables and data created in the selected branch. Actual: Tables and data imporeted in the main branch.
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Unknown User
Unknown User12mo ago
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Enemykite12mo ago
Will test this.
Unknown User
Unknown User12mo ago
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Eusebio Trigo
Eusebio Trigo12mo ago
Yes, that's it, Matt. Thank you! If you need a video of any kind to reproduce, I could take one.
Enemykite12mo ago
We've got an engineer checking this and another CSV bug today. Thanks for your patience. I'll report back in when the fix is up.
Unknown User
Unknown User12mo ago
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Eusebio Trigo
Eusebio Trigo12mo ago
Thank you very much! Happy to help!
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