No module named 'xata'
First time making a call to Xata from VSCode and I have a problem with importing xata.client. I have used Colab before and had no problems. No errors are shown when writing, pip insnall xata made. But when I run the code it gives an error.

4 Replies

That is a relatively common issue with python modules and VS Code not using the "correct" interpreter in the presence of multiple versions or environments. Enter the settings menu with (ctrl or cmd)+shift+P , search for
Python: Select Interpreter
and see if you can get things to work with another interpreter. See the example recording as I had the same issue 🙂It's not working. I have tried all available interpreters, created new virtual environments. They don't want to see xata. Versions of python 3.10, 3.11
Everything works on PyCharm.
Check the top answer on this topic, it should help:
Stack Overflow
VSCode "Import X could not be resolved" even though listed under `h...
I'm on day 1 of Python and trying to import SciPy into a project. I installed it via pip install on ElementaryOS (an Ubuntu derivative). I have verified it's existence via:
$ python