Question about types in the Typescript client
Hi Team!
Since one of the latests versions I got in Intellij the following warning:
"Argument type {total_orders: {uniqueCount: {column: "order"}}} is not assignable to parameter type Dictionary<AggregationExpression<XataRecord>> | undefined "
And also:
"Argument type string[] is not assignable to parameter type SelectableColumnWithObjectNotation<XataRecord>[] " on a .select
Or "Argument type "email" is not assignable to parameter type FilterColumns<XataRecord> | JSONFilterColumns<XataRecord>" on a .filter
It is not breaking the build of our code, but it is displaying the warning (and as I have an OCD with the IDE warnings, just wanted to ask about it).
5 Replies
I've alerted our engineering team. They're going to check this out.
Thank you!!
Hey there 🙂
Do you mind reaching out via It's fine to just copy paste your post into the form. If you could also include the shape of your schema that would be awesome.
Sent! Thanks team!
For continuity in case more users read this, parameter type warnings surface starting IntelliJ 2023.3 and do not seem to happen up until 2023.2/latest patch. We'll be following up in this issue: