Open Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery


Open Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery

Chat, contribute to or get help with Open Brush, Open Blocks and Icosa Gallery. Open source creative tools. VR & not-VR


Animating in strokes like in the intro scene

When a sketch is loaded in TB/OB and animates the pieces being created, is that done with a script? Trying to recreate that

UI interactivity

Hello! is there any way i can make a ui button interactable to open brush controller?

Drawing with the wand

Hi y'all. I am trying to implement a feature that allows for strokes to be generated from the wand hand too (using a custom separate pointer). I am currently using an older version of Open Brush that does not allow for multiple pointers to generate strokes at asynchronous intervals (in respect to both hands' trigger-pulls). My question: Does anyone know if there has been any changes to the newer version of OpenBrush (2.+) that would interfere or possibly make implementing a feature like this eas...

Open Composite on Linux

integrate open composite in Linux builds so openbrush is OpenXR there too

Scaling down the XR rig

Hi! I have a question!! is it possible to scale down open brush xr rig? cause i have tried that and it was working but the controllers are big and and was at the same height as it wasbefore. please help!

Error: Component GUI Layer in Main Camera for [...] is no available

Hi guys. I get the following error when I open up the unity project Component GUI Layer in Main Camera for Scene Assets/Scenes/Lighting/Lighting_Bust.unity is no longer available. It will be removed after you edit this GameObject and save the Scene. ...

Open Brush Eye Tracking

Hi all I'm testing if I can use the openbrush environment for a research project. I need eye-tracking data, so I'm using a pico neo 3 pro eye as a VR headset. Usually you need to adapt the XR origin to get started. I'm kinda lost on how to look at the XR origin in OpenBrush. Am I correct stating that the camera and the controllers are separated? Can this be replaced by one standard XR origin, or are there too many things relying on each other?...

Importing 3D models as custom guides?

@andybak did you guys finalize a way to import 3D models and make them custom guides?

Can you turn off the intros of the open brush and move straight to the new sketch?

hi is there a way i can turn off the intros of the open brush and move straight to the new sketch funcitonality

Is it possible to use open brush in a brush in the same scene with physics?

hi is it possible to use open brush in a same scene where i can do physics stuff like shooting bullets reloading and all other action stuff

Teleport on uneven ground

hmmm... looking at the teleport tool, it would seem that moving around non-flat ground isn't quite supported

Open Brush UX thesis

@andybak regarding the theme of my thesis: It's generally about how a more centred position of tools could influence the workflow of the user in VR drawing apps. For a case study, I have to analyse how the UI in OpenBrush is structured. And based on this, research papers/literature and a little survey I have to formulate requirements for a prototype UI. After that, I conduct a small study with A/B testing at my college. I doubt this is valuable research for OpenBrush specifically though. And if I may post the link to a small survey? It would be a great help (to impress my professor)...

Mac/ iOS mono port

@andybak Starting Mac/iOS port thread

RenderTextureDesc height error

Anyone have any idea what this means? I'm getting similar errors for each of the cameras. Not sure if I broke something with the cameras themselves, or if it's because some of the brushes I merged don't have complete texture sets? Or is something else entirely? `ArgumentException: RenderTextureDesc height must be greater than zero....

What would have to be changed in the bat

What would have to be changed in the bat for this to work? I have a piece I'd like to render but using the scripting build and would like to create a 360. Would like to be able to do this if possible without having to rerecord in the official build. Still have the blue screen popping up with this one.