Open Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery


Open Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery

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GLB imported into Blender will break glb

Importing a OB GLB into Blender and exporting with or without modifications to the file will create a broken GLB. When you import this file back into Unity it has the paper icon instead of the object icon.

Using .exr and .png files as Custom Environments in OpenBrush

Hello, I am a beginner TiltBrush user and I am looking for more advanced customisation options. I have a collection of .exr and .png files (30-80 MB each) that I use as backgrounds in Blender. I am wondering if there is a way to use these .exr or .png files as custom environments in OpenBrush. Is this possible? Running on Valve Index through Steam....

Using Open Brush in a school with Oculus headsets managed with ArborXR

Hi Everyone, I am a high school teacher, I have a new class set of Oculus Quest 2 headsets. The only way I got my district to agree to allow me to get them was having them all signed in to a generic Oculus account I control, and managing them using ArborXR. The big problem is that I have 35 headsets and if I download Open Brush onto the headsets, since we're all signed into the same Oculus account, one person can use it at a time, and anyone else who tries to open it gets a message basically saying only one person can use it at a time. The rep from ArborXR told me if I could get an APK of the app and sideload it through their system, I could bypass that issue. It installs on the devices as a managed app since I have the apk and that allows multiple users to use it at the same time, even though every headset is logged into the same Oculus account. This has worked with other apps, however, when I uploaded the Open Brush beta apk, into ArborXR, I got a message saying something that made me think it wasn't going to work. It said something about needing have signed keys or something like that. I'm going to test tomorrow in my classroom, but I wonder if anyone else has any experience doing it this way. Are the keys what check to see if another user in that account is already using the app?...

V.2.0 on Quest 2 - snapshots, gif, all black?

Since updating to openbrush v2, the snapshots and gifs I make are ending up entirely black?

Only previous version launches on Steam (and can't use it).

Tried to start it in both normal and beta mode but it does nothing, not even start SteamVr. With SteamVr not launched, tried the previous version mode and it started and crashed both the app and Steam. With SteamVr on before launching it starts, but in the Steam Index i'm still in the Steam Home and in the desktop i can see the the visual of OpenBrush and the controllers and obviously i can't use it. If i launch other Vr games, like Pavlov Vr it shows me the launch options, Open Brush does not....

snip, eraser, selection don’t work on quest 1

Some tools like snip, join, eraser, and selection don’t work with OB 2.0 in quest 1. OS version is 49

Sketchfab unable to import assets

Are we able to import sketchfab assets or just export? Would like to know the extent of sketchfab support, thank you! v2.0.0...

Oculus build not enabled

This is on the v2.0.0. I followed the directions on unity editor build

Erase part of a line?

How do I erase part of a line without erasing the whole line?

[Quest 1] selector, dropper, and repaint tools not working

Hello! I am using a Quest 1, and the selection, dropper, and repaint tools aren't working. If i choose the selector tool from the menu and choose 'select all' it will select all, and let me change size or group the items, but that's all. Is this a thing? I am using version 2.0.0 in advanced mode with experimental mode turned on, although these things still didn't work if i turned that stuff off. (Apologies in advance - I am new to discord, so sorry if I'm missing info or doing something wrong ďż˝...

Mixed Reality Capture issue on Openbrush 2.0

Having issues using Mixed Reality Capture. It seems it is rendering the first person view instead of adapting to the external camera for the Mixed Reality Capture setup.

[ please help us ]Unable to start.

Using by Vive pro eye. We installed it from StemaVR and tried to play it, but the situation is like this picture. We would like to know what solutions are available....

Controllers vibrating, Steam not working.

-HP Reverb G2 -I launched OB from SteamVR -SteamVR closed by itself when OB opened -After opening a project:...

Experimental Build Scripts crashing or not working at once

Currently using Steam version of Script Experimental downloaded from the OB website. The preloaded scripts are amazing but I found that the app freezes regularly and brush use becomes unusable if I attempt to run a script in each category. I would say the symmetry script presets struggle the most. Any ideas on what maybe happening? Or is it just in early phase and only works sometimes? ...

Since Ver 2.0, it does not start.

I always enjoy painting. Thank you very much. However, since ver 2.0, OpenBrush dosn't start. The environment is always drawn with MetaQuest2 connected to a PC. It's Link. I can Link and go to Home, but when I select OpenBrush there, it gets stuck on the startup screen.Up until now, it has started without any problems. Uninstalling and then reinstalling did not help....

Version 2.0- not loading Sketch and media

Great to see v2.0 has been released! The issue I currently have is 1- the splash screen does not appear (loading directly into an empty Sketch); 2- my sketch (which ran fine with prior OB versions) does not load. The set up is MQ2 running with the wireless link from the PC-Oculus software. OB is running out of Steam VR which is selected from the PC-Oculus menu in VR (as per successful prior OB versions). The sketch includes a media .obj file (88Mb). Any help is much appreciated 🙂

Not working here: Tiltosaurus failed to detect VR

VR works with other programs though, tried installing V2.0 standalone, v2.0 Steam, and V2.0 beta. No luck

Just snapshot in 2.0 ?

Hello, I don't arrive to activate the camera, when I swap nothing happen it stay on snapshot. May be I do something wrong ? (Bravo for the new version !)...