[Quest 1] selector, dropper, and repaint tools not working
Hello! I am using a Quest 1, and the selection, dropper, and repaint tools aren't working. If i choose the selector tool from the menu and choose 'select all' it will select all, and let me change size or group the items, but that's all. Is this a thing? I am using version 2.0.0 in advanced mode with experimental mode turned on, although these things still didn't work if i turned that stuff off. (Apologies in advance - I am new to discord, so sorry if I'm missing info or doing something wrong 🫣)
29 Replies
Thanks for the report, I had to dig my Quest 1 out but I can reproduce this, thanks for the report! I'll look into it
Some tools like snip, join, eraser, and selection don’t work with OB 2.0 in quest 1. OS version is 49
https://vimeo.com/795738125/932f03d328 @jean_papapodcast
@TomYamVR hi! You can track the bug fix here
Thank you!!🤩
I’m also following this thread keen to hear when there’s a fix!
Glad to find out this wasn't just me. I'll keep an eye out for an update.
I'm still looking into this but these tools seem to be functional using Open Brush with Oculus through Quest Air Link (which means OB is installed on my PC as well)
Yes. This issue only affects Quest 1 when running standalone. We have some idea of the cause but are still trying to find a solution. For now - switch back to using the 1.0 version.
I think this is an issue that geometry shaders can’t run on the quest on Vulkan 1.0 for some reason. If I remove the geometry node and set a debug color, it does come through. We might have to reengineer the algorithm to not use geometry shaders @andybak
(Note: the geometry shader is used because it manipulates triangles rather than vertices, so the triangle ID can be encoded. We may have to find some different ID somehow)
I meet the same problem
Hello! Im experiencing the same issue, this happend not only in experimental mode, also in beginner mode. Im not able to erase anything, snip and by default merge again, also selection is tricky, I cant change colours neither u.u . Only Im able to select all or invert the selection but in new created layers, not in the default layer. @andybak If i Open brush connected to my computer it will work? Can be this a solution? @mikesky Can you provide a tutorial, or where can I found that geometry node and how can I set a Debug color? Im really looking forward to use all this tools that I've been waiting for in old Tiltbrush 😛 . Is this issue happening in all Quest 1 or are we just some exceptions? 🥲 In case that this tools are only working in Quest 2 please say so, so Im going to start saving money haha, because I tried to uninstall and installing again and didn’t worked. Thanks in advance I appreciate all the effort you make to provide this awesome tool! ❤️
Hi Dinda,
We're looking into a fix but it's taking time due to other priorities. Our current advice is just to use the previous release (which you can select via the Quest Desktop App)
If i Open brush connected to my computer it will work? Can be this a solution?Yes - the bug only affects the Quest 1 running Open Brush natively. Running OB on the PC is fine.
Is this issue happening in all Quest 1 or are we just some exceptions?All Quest 1s are affected running the latest version. It should be fine using the older version As I said - hopefully we will have this fixed soon - we want to continue to support all headsets for as long as we can.
@squarerootof420 @TomYamVR @inka @daz3d_marshian @kndol @dinda_artist - we've hopefully fixed this in the current beta. Could you try it and let us know?
Thank you for your help!I will try it.😎
@andybak yay! I uninstalled and reinstalled and it works now! Thank you so much!!! 😁😁😁
Glad it worked! (You probably didn't need to uninstall abs reinstall though. Just change the setting on the Quest Store page)
I think I tried that and it didn't work until I uninstalled/reinstalled? But I dunno - maybe I was impatient or my Quest is REALLY old and slow (or my brain is haha.) Either way, it saved all my stuff, so it wasn't a big deal. Thanks again for fixing it! I'm really enjoying getting back to it!!
awesome work @andybak 🙂
Hello, I just got back into VR drawing and am facing the same issue that no tool works on Quest 1. Very happy to discover there's a fix, but how do you make it work? What do you mean change the setting on Quest Store Page?
Does the information here help? https://docs.openbrush.app/alternate-and-experimental-builds/open-brush-beta-docs
If not then let us know where you get stuck. We need to improve that page - it's meant to be the simple, clear instructions on how to install the beta version!
Lemme reboot my Quest and see if I can even find those options. Appreciate the fast response.
Easier from a PC or laptop
Just go to the quest store in a browser and log in
You can do it in the headset but I find it easier this way
Can't find the options on the Quest, so browser it will have to be
The Quest didn't warn me an update existed for Open Brush (likely because I picked the beta version?), but once updated to it Open Brush is working like a charm 🤩
Thank you so much for the quick help! ❤️
I should add a note to the docs about how to check for an update...
I agree. I only discovered it needed an update file once I hit 'details' and went to the in-Quest store page to check if I was on the right version. It showed beta. And also the big blue 'update' button.
Yes, the images on the page are different than in the quest app at least,
You just need to click on the version number, and after changing it to the new version, the update was visible in my quest.

I just updated the app and all those bugs that I used to have are fixed! The selection tool, the transform and change colour also snip. Thanks a lot! @andybak. Also for all the responses! The only thing that I checked in my Quest is not working are the gif and pictures, they look black and also the camera path, when I start recording it get stucked there, even cancelling it just inabilities everything.
Great! Andy is also working on fixes for the camera, and camera paths are currently a PC only feature that’s only visible because of experimental mode unfortunately, we’re tweaking the UI to direct you to use a Mac/pc to process it
They might take a while to appear on the store as there’s issues with us uploading, but we’re working with Meta to resolve the issues and we’ll always have apk’s available