Controllers vibrating, Steam not working.

-HP Reverb G2 -I launched OB from SteamVR -SteamVR closed by itself when OB opened -After opening a project: -Left controller vibrating nonstop: ~Vibrating stopped -Tool palette sliding itself back to end or beginning, not letting choose a tool anywhere but the first/last page of palette -Right controller start to vibrate: ~Moving joystick and pressing all buttons, opening Windows-screen does no change - still vibrating ~Vibration stops when cursor pointing to the palette, outside palette vibrating I have a video showing these dilemmas.
31 Replies
mikeskyβ€’3y ago
Hi, thanks for the report! I'd love to see the video please. In the meantime, as your headset is a Reverb, it should be using the WMR OpenXR runtime. Please can you double check this to ensure full compatibility? Install this app and go to the 'mixed reality' tab If you see a message about WMR OpenXR Runtime not being the 'active' runtime, please hit the button to set it as active
Get OpenXR Tools for Windows Mixed Reality from the Microsoft Store
Change Mixed Reality OpenXR runtime settings, enable preview features, inspect the active OpenXR runtime status, and run a demo scene to ensure OpenXR runtime and devices are working properly.
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eRiOPβ€’3y ago
Thank you for fast answer! I know very little about VR and even less about OpenXR, why does Reverb need OpenXR? Is Reverb not suitable for Open brush from SteamVR or is OpenXR used only for Open Brush 2.0? Where can I send the video?
mikeskyβ€’3y ago
You can send the video here! if it's too long, feel free to upload it to a filesharing site and send the link instead. OpenXR is a new way for XR apps to be created without having to write different code for each headset, for example SteamVR, Oculus, HP all used to have different code. It makes development a lot faster and easier, a lot of apps will use it very soon, we are one of the first! πŸ™‚ You can still use the SteamVR version of Open Brush, but you need to tell it to use the right version of OpenXR for your headset, which is the HP Reverb. Reverb uses Windows Mixed Reality (WMR), so you need WMR's version of OpenXR set as 'active'. You can follow the steps above to make sure it's set correctly.
eRiOPβ€’3y ago
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mikeskyβ€’3y ago
Thanks! That really helps me see the issues. I'll dust off my G2 and give it a test πŸ˜„
eRiOPβ€’3y ago
How do I 'tell it to use the right version of OpenXR' or is it done now that it says installed and active?
mikeskyβ€’3y ago
You are on the right version!
eRiOPβ€’3y ago
Well, it's still a mess! Anything I can do or should I just wait for an update
mikeskyβ€’3y ago
I will test and get back to you, apologies for the delay
eRiOPβ€’3y ago
Ah, sorry! Didn't mean to hurry you Take your time, and thank you so much for your help! Let's figure this out together 🌞 @mikesky I got problem with OpenXR, LIV is not working after I loaded OpenXR and tech told LIV need SteamVR to work. Once again I want to make sure this does not conflict with Open brush, they have gave me instructions.
eRiOPβ€’3y ago
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eRiOPβ€’3y ago
From SteamVR app change the setting as described in the picture. Can I do that and still work in OB2.0?
mikeskyβ€’3y ago
Oh, if LIV is part of your workflow that could really complicate things!
eRiOPβ€’3y ago
It is, or was actually, I'm trying to find some other avatar application.. If it conflicts or something I will give up on LIV because Open Brush is more important to me.
mikeskyβ€’3y ago
I have access to a G2 so I'm hoping I can test this directly! There's a quite a few moving parts there, and it doesn't help that documentation around OpenXR for the end user (you) is pretty terrible... SteamVR is really separate parts: SteamVR as the application that pops up as the little box, shows your controllers connected, interfaces with steam. It communicates with a backend, which is either: The old SteamVR backend, known as OpenVR. this was created by Steam specifically for the first VR headsets, like the HTC Vive etc. A lot of games still use OpenVR, of which LIV is one of them. It comes with it's own plugin system, which is what LIV currently uses to implement it's virtual cameras, this presents itself to Steam as a tracker. WMR headsets like the G2 can use OpenVR with a special plugin: The OpenXR backend. While Steam has it's own version (called a runtime) of this, it's tailored to communicate with the headsets that were originally using OpenVR (above), and therefore might not work with headsets tailored for different runtime. (G2 uses the WMR runtime). Open Brush uses OpenXR now, so we will use the system default runtime. It may be possible to leave your active runtime set to WMR, launch the plugin above , then launch LIV to get them all to talk to each other. I'll test as soon as I can, it's been a hectic few weeks I'm afraid!
eRiOPβ€’2y ago
Please take your time, I have ton of videos in storage for upload, so it's not huge hurry to get new videos recorded! 😊 I am so thankful for your all help! You give very clear answers and suggestions to solve problems, being transparent how the app works! Thank you πŸ’œ @mikesky I have decided that as long as LIV is not compatible with OpenXR and Open Brush with my (already expensive) setup - without the additional softwares and tools they were talking about - I will choose Open Brush as First person view and help you out as best I can by testing and stuff πŸ’œ
mikeskyβ€’2y ago
Appreciate it! πŸ™‚ I really hope we can get it solved soon though. first person works, did you know we actually have a separate β€˜spectator’ cam mode in the labs panels? You don’t get an avatar per se but you can set up a camera that will give a different view on your monitor compared to what you see in VR
eRiOPβ€’2y ago
I haven't get to test the 2.0 yet, but I think remember that from the newest OB video and checked the interview by The Spatial Canvas! I'll try the new things of OB tonight 😍 There's always a solution, sooner or later 🌸
mikeskyβ€’2y ago
just adding your video here to make sure we don't lose track of it
eRiOPβ€’2y ago
I tested yesterday and it was doing the palette-autoflipping again. Any idea what could cause it? Should I re-install OB and and OpenXR, just in case?
mikeskyβ€’2y ago
I think this is related to some bad mapping from WMR controls! the thumbstick deadzone also isn't right, but I'm sadly waiting on a bugfix from Unity for that πŸ˜… I did some work on the standard WMR controller inputs which may help here, we're hoping to put out a 2.1 release with the bugfixes either this week or next week.
eRiOPβ€’2y ago
Hmm, this is an expencive question, but would Vive-set work better? Or is it WMR too? I'm starting to consider seriously investing to Vive..
mikeskyβ€’2y ago
Vive will probably work better, but that's only because I use mine more often and have tested it a lot more! We'll definitely make sure we can support the reverb, don't worry πŸ™‚
eRiOPβ€’2y ago
Oke, that's greeeat! Thank you Mike πŸ’œ
mikeskyβ€’2y ago
Okay I've finally dug out my reverb controllers, this feels fairly good! just the deadzone issue on the joystick that I mentioned, that's a bug that Unity is currently fixing for us. I couldn't notice continuous vibration either. v2.1 was pushed to steam a few hours ago, so feel free to try it and report back πŸ™‚
eRiOPβ€’2y ago
I tested yesterday and the palette vibrated and slided again and didn't let me choose a tool. Should I re-install something, open brush, openxr?
kojeekβ€’2y ago
Did you ever find a solution, i have the same issue with the brush palette on a samsung oydessy +
eRiOPβ€’2y ago
No, sorry, I've been using just Tilt now, I haven't got time or patience for solving that 🌸
kojeekβ€’2y ago
I just used a previous version of open brush, 2.1 or 2.0 I think. Solved it.
eRiOPβ€’2y ago
I have no idea how to acquire previous versions, but if that fixes it for G2 too I'm going to dive into that and learn! Thank you for letting me know 😊🌸 These are getting fixed eventually, OB is massive project for many worktools so it just takes time to check everything 😊

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