prime blob code
Is there an easy way to copy paste the prime blob with fan cooling etc out of ratOS? Was thinking of trying to swap out my prime lines on some other non-rat rigs✌️
Custom size 450x500
Would ratrig OS work of I built a rectangular size printer? 450x500 covers what I'd need and I could make the gantry a little lighter. I just don't know if the software for bed leveling and such would need tweaking or if it's even doable?
Restriction on Local network in custom address range in ratos 2?
Is there a testriction on Reserved private IPv4 network ranges usages.
If i want to use a non Reserved private IPv4 network ranges (not a 10...* ; 172...* or 192.168..) it seems that the ratos is not reachable anymore (Lan nor wifi) is this correct? Are there restrictions on this as my ratos 1.* versions wotks with non Reserved private IPv4 network ranges...
v minion
Hey guys, i just installed ratos on my SKRrat V1.0 and after editing the printer.cfg to have that eact board, i have this issue but i can't really seem to understand how to correct it.
fly-sht-36 V2 support
I kill my V1 board and dont find here anymore 😦 How i can bring the V2 to run it ?
klipper error spi_bus 'sp13'
I have this error and cant connect with ratos, probably i messed up with printer.cfg, please see the photos, the printer.cfg photo is what i commented with the adxl before the error occured
Internal Error on Command "BED_MESH_CALIBRATE"
Hi, when i start my print, it heats up the bed, z tilt and make a mesh.
immediately after mesh it crashes with Error:
Internal error on command:"START_PRINT"...
adxl usb installation
ADXL FLY usb, trying to make it work on my ratrig v-minion, i am struggling on how to make it work
I recently used the Calilantern from Vector3d and im wondering how the skew profile needs to be named,since in the START_PRINT macro it loads a skew profile "gcode_Macro Ratos" and i looked into it and cant find the variable or comment how the skew profile should be named
Z tilt goin NUTS with beacon
V-Core 3.1 500
Toolhead Beta 2 with latest Beacon Revision added
Which control board to choose for 3.1 500?
Hey Guys, i lived in the marlin and duet world - until now. I would like to try ratOS but have no clue which board to choose. The possible boards are shown in the ratOS documentation, but bigtree techs website didnt help me too much to decide.
Which board would you recommend or even advise against?
Printer is an 3.1 500, fairly standard for now. lightweight CPAP VZ-Printhead, I want to enclose it, heat it to 70-80°C and print „reliable fast“, no crazy high speed. Money is not no object, but i‘m willed to pay for quality & reliability.
Thanks 🙂...
Ebb42 with P1000 having problem with Klipper shutting down on startup
Not able to boot into RatOS using an Octopus 1.1/EBB42 1.2, have a PT1000 connected to the toolboard and getting ADC out of range errors on the heating.
checking P1000 but seems ok???🏗️ Ordered a new P1000 to see if it is the hotend thermistor -- bed thermistor reacts to heat as expected....
Yeh your spot on .. I managed to work out the uncomenting but totally missed [extruder] sensor_type: PT1000 so thanks for that litte gem.
Klipper error "Section 'gcode_shell_command copy_minion' is not a valid config section"
How do I fix this? Legacy core 3 400mm, with pad 7 and Octopus 1.1.
I have tried reflashing RatOS>updating packages>Moonraker glitches at wheel build....
Manta M8P 2.0 Support
Hey guys after some work and free time, i got the Manta M8P 2.0 files up and running.
config.cfg is the new pinout. Had some troubles as there were some discrepancies with the BTT manual. You will need to put the file in your printer and reference it in your printer config. You will need to SSH to get the device id and add to your printer config as well under [mcu] serial:
You will need to flash the board manually, i have included the latest klipper firmware compiled for it. You can either use an SD card on the side of the board or flash via SSH....
4028 starts blowing after ~1h of inactivity/standby
i am running a sanyo on an SKrat with the dedicated 4 wire connection and the standard configs. i think the follwing happens but i want to be sure: i think after an hour of inactivity the printer goes into standby and the fan will blow at 100% because of safety reasons. I wanted to double check since the OS page states similiar "mal"function can fry the your board.
thanks in advance for any insights...
SS out of bounds error after restart
Been printing with SS and all is great. Since the latest release I’m getting the weird issue that, when restarting a failed print via the ‘reprint printer icon’ an out of bounds move error is triggered.
This never happens when doing a clean start or pushing the broom icon before restarting.
SS is set to relative mode as per the RR vcore profile. ...
adxl345 usb
Hi there, i am trying to connect the adxl345 fly which is only usb, no pins. Anyone please can help me out?
Need help with: "Failed to verify BLTouch probe is raised" error during G28
Hello there!
I have a genuine BL-Touch 3.0 from Antclabs connected to a Octopus Pro 1.1 exactly as shown in the wiring diagram in /boards/ folder from RatOS.
I followed the Initial Tests on Klipper documentation. Querying the Probe gives always correct results when triggered or open. Red LED is constantly on as supposed in Antclabs Documentation.
Ldo leviathan
RatOS for voron 2.4r2 with Ldo leviathan and Btt sb2209; no firmware issue at least for now; the only issue so far is with the config.cfg.
I've got issue with klipper and tmc 5160. I'm at an early stage before swapping this card to my voron. Klipper reports: ERROR
Option 'x_step_pin' is not valid in section 'board_pins ldo_leviathan_tmc5160', it was just a typo error , now i've got some thing new :configparser.Error: Option 'aliases' in section 'board_pins ldo_leviathan' must have 2 elements...
Errors connecting to ratos.local, no hotspot for new RatOS image
A few days ago my browser would no longer connect to ratos.local which I had been using steadily since I built the V-core 9 months ago. The printer has been on my company's wifi, while my computer has been hardwired, and there have been no problems.
When I configured everything to begin with, I don't think I changed any of the SSH information, but I was unsuccessful at trying to get into the Pi. I must say that working with an OS other than windows is foreign to me, networking is not my strong suit, and I've never owned a Pi until I built this printer. I also don't have access to my company's router/network, so I don't even know the IP of my Pi. I'm currently waiting for a reply from our IT guy so I can get into the network.
My next problem started when I thought the easiest/fastest solution was to clear my Pi's SD card, and flash a fresh image of RatOS to enable the Pi's hotspot and go through the configuration again. Upon doing so, the hotspot never appears. I've tried looking for it with multiple devices, nothing. Waited over an hour. Tried restarting the Pi with the same results, no hotspot. at this point I have tried 3 different SD cards, the most up to date version of Balena Etcher, and the latest as well as the previous versions of RatOS. I even tried entering the wifi information manually in wpa_supplicant to connect to the same network it was previously on, as well as running a LAN straight to the Pi with no results....
Update: It works, I'm a little dumb. Apparently the one variable I never checked was the power supply. I had to move my pi closer to the router last night for ethernet on my home network, and realized I needed a longer USB power cable than the one that came with my Pi kit, the one I've been using for 9 months. Grabbed my phone charger from the wall, plugged it in, and the Pi booted to RatOS and put out the hotspot like it should, as well as showing up on my network immediately. The supplied powe...