League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers


League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers

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Active Effects Compendium

Type: items with effects Short Description: creation of effects to be applied to weapons, armors or tools using DAE, midiqol, itemmacro etc.. Long Description: Hi, im looking for someone to help creating active/passive/temporary effects for weapons, items and tools. One example could be an effect to be applied to a weapon that gives advantage if the weapon attack is against a target with concentration active. Or an active effect that gives advantage against beasts.. if you want to discuss the commission with me, i think i just need maybe 10 effects. ...

Item Piles: Workbench (or work table, or enchantment table, ecc.) (100 € )

Type: module Short Description: Item Piles: Workbench, a item piles for buil item from others items Long Description: Have you ever wanted to have a workbench for your alchemist ? or a dwarven furnace to build dwarven weapons ? or hide enchanted tables in a dungeon ? Well I have. ...

Update and improvements of existing homebrew system + Bounties for additional features

Type: System, Module Short Description: I've made a FoundryVTT system for an homebrew system me and my group of friends use. The system is currently workable, but is pretty bare-bones of features. I'd like to commission a number of improvements to it, aswell as proper upgrade to v11 to make it future proof. Long Description: I'd like to find someone that can fix what is currently broken and implement the features under the "Features I WANT" of the repo readme (linked below). A number of other features would also greatly benefit the system and I've listed most of them under the "Features I would like" section of the repo readme. Once the main job is completed, I'd be like to commission them as bounties, available both to the developer that helped me so far and to others. In addition to these features, I've made a simple Token-Action-Hud extension for my system but it broke with V11, I would also offer a bounty to update it, and add any new options to it. (The link to that repo can also be found below.)...

Pf1e Monster Statblock to Journal entry

Type: macro, (possibly a module) Short Description: https://www.aonprd.com/ importer for monster lore journals. Long Description: A macro (or module, I have as is a 230 line macro right now) to take cut/paste lore from the site above, and create a journal entry for the monster to use as a monster lore handout for players. I have the basics/core of it done, and it works. But formatting it is beyond my coding ability Budget: $100-$200...

Macro update monster/players items

Type: macro or world script Short description: item updater compatible with item linked. Long Description: Basically i have compendiums with items (armors, weapons, spells etc)...

Create "Bloodsight" vision for Dnd5e

Type: Module Short Description: I need to have an additional visions for Dnd5e the "Lesser BloodSight", "BloodSight", "Superior BloodSight". Long Description: The developer @dev7355608 made a very good module for support this https://github.com/dev7355608/vision-5e/ , so it would make sense to add such vision to his module as a additional vision. ...

Legends Of The Wulin: Translation of Combat System and Character Sheet into Foundry

Type: System Short Description: The Combat System, The Character Sheet, Miscelanious Functionality Long Description: Combat System: Capacity to calculate a number of individual d10 rolls that will be then be grouped by similar results into 'sets' and placed into an array called the 'Lake'. The ability to take a single roll from any of these 'sets' from the 'Lake' and place it in a seperate array called the 'river' that will persist during each turn of combat. The ability to clear singular dice from the 'river' (delete function). The ability to take dice from the 'river' and add it to a 'set' from the 'lake', as long as it is of a similar result to the rest of the set. The ability to take dice from the 'river' and add it to the lake, regardless of the result (An indicator to tell that this has been done, for players as well as DM). The ability to 'tag' a set with a specific action (Attack, Movement, etc.) and apply modifiers to them....

Mookai Update v10

Type: [module] Short Description: A module that automates simple enemies attacks, making GM turns faster and easier. Long Description: Would like to have enemy and ally NPCs be able to attack on their own by pressing a dedicated key to initiate it. They would move closer to or search for players/enemies then make a attack based off the items in their inventory....

Make changes to AFMBE module to be compatible to Buffy rpg.

Both use unisystem rules but Buffy rpg uses cinematic unisystem rules. The changes are minor. You would need to remove some secondary attributes (Endurance, Essence Pool and Speed) and include a new secondary Attribut box similar to Life Points for Drama Points. Also change the preselection for attribute rolls to difficult. This is the link to the system: https://gitlab.com/DogBoneZone/afmbe...

D&D 5e Inventory + remake

as the title says I want someone to remake Inventory + and add new features because the current version is to my knowledge not being updated and isnt working as intended currently. This would be made for v10 btw as I haven't updated to v11 yet

Upgrade Ryuutama System to support V10 or V11

Type: system Description: This link is Ryuutama system for Foundry V0.6 https://github.com/Reaver01/ryuutama I got this from the Internet me and my friend would like to run this game in foundry but the issues is when I try to run this module in Foundry V11, It seem everything broken, can't do anything and also look like the Creators are not update this for long time. I am looking for someone help to upgrade this system to support Foundry V10 or V11. Any help are appreciate....

Module for Q/A / email-like app

Type: [module] Short Description: A Q/A app in foundry that players can send a message to the DM/Player that appears on their screen, so that they can answer and send back. Long Description: Basically the app would be close to an email system or a Q/A, where the player or dm could send a message to another person that makes an obvious notification to look at and send a message back. There would be a history board for the messages, so they could be viewed again. The DM or original messenger could make the message public so other people could see it in the list of sent messages. The main reason I want this is cause 95% of the time I'm looking at foundry and not at discord, or the foundry messages (as they usually get flooded by other messages). This will make it obvious if someone has a question and not interrupt conversations if they are already happening. A "show to players" button would also help. ...

Tidy5e Upgrade for Dnd5e 2.2.X and Bug fixing

The Tidy5e module is no longer officially under active development with the advent of system version 2.2.X and software version 11. Anyone interested in picking up the module (or rewriting it from scratch if you prefer) please post here your interest or willingness to continue its development (monetary compensation not excluded). Commission Note (if you willing to give something just write in this thread):...

GiffyGlyph's Monster Maker Foundry Module Update

Type: module update Short Description: Update https://github.com/giffyglyph/foundry-5e-monster-maker to v10 and v11. Bonus for updating the ruleset to match the new version https://drive.google.com/file/d/18zlagYm9mRaUseNoq4EvwP_lhXrdd1Lf/view Long Description: The creator of this addon for 5e, GiffyGlyph, has gone dark for about a year and a half, and hasn't updated the foundry module for either compatibility with newer versions of foundry, or with the 3.0 version of his system. It's current for Foundry 9 +D&D1.5.6 + GGMM v2. The goal would be Foundry 10/11 / D&D2.2+ / GGMMv3...
No description

Narrative-Critical Toggle Module for Organic D20 Rolls

Type: Module Long Description: The goal of this commission is to create a compact and intuitive module that allows for the management of critical d20 rolls within a narrative context. The envisioned functionality is the ability to subtly influence the outcomes of player's d20 rolls during key narrative moments. This could be implemented as a simple toggle, like a checkbox or similar interface element, that when activated, makes the player's next d20 roll result as a natural 20 - thereby creating an "organic" critical hit....

D&D 5e v10, wanting to add a new tab in the attributes page

I'm looking for someone to basically make a copy of "Damage Vulnerabilities" on the attributes page but have it function under a different name called "Damage Weaknesses", It doesn't need to be automated or anything I just want it to function just like Vulnerabilities and be right above it on the page.

Pointer module update (70€)

Type: Module Short Description: Uodate of the module Pointer and Ping (or Pnp) Long Description: I would like to commission an update of the old Pointer module https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-pointer or a complete rewrite. I'm the owner now so no problem with permission on this....

Update FoundryVTT Tabbed Chatlog to allow for Creation/Deletion of Additional Chat Tabs

Type: [module] Short Description: Ability to create/remove Custom Additional Chat Log Tabs Long Description: Expand on the work created here: https://github.com/cswendrowski/FoundryVTT-Tabbed-Chatlog to allow for custom chat log tabs to be created/removed either within the FoundryVTT Chat Tab, or within the Module Settings. Additional chat tabs should be included in chat logging and archiving features within FoundryVTT. • Primary objective is to have multiple chat ‘channels’ like IRC chats, or Discord text channels, etc. that can have custom names, and amounts defined by GameMasters. This should scale with UI. ...

Google Sheet Character Sheet integration module

Integrate a highly formulaic google sheet into foundry for use for our custom ttrpg system that is in development. We have cells that work off our DB to then create /roll commands for foundry and would like to somehow integrate the two to minimize tabbing back and forth during gameplay. After dozens and dozens of hours of work putting together a custom character sheet on google sheets to help with our TTRPG development. We have it to the point where virtually everything autocalculates, gives drop down menus to select what actions people will take, and provides dice rolls in accordance with that. I would like to find a way to have a module create buttons or integration with foundry to eliminate as much of the back and forth as possible, and potentially have foundry feed data back to the spreadsheet for longterm character tracking. Not sure how hard to possible this is. Would like to discuss this project....

Fallout 2d20: Radiation giving a visual indicator of reduced max HP

Type: Module or Update, which ever is more convenient to the coder Short Description: As it says on the tin, a module that can show the health bar being reduced similarly to the D&D 5e system as shown in the image. Long Description: This module would reflect the base functionality of the D&D 5e system, where upon inputting a negative number on the Max Health field, it would be reflected on the character's health bar on the token. The main difference being that instead of taking this negative value from the Max Health field, it would take it from the Radiation field. As the Radiation field is a positive number, some basic math may be to negatively affect the Health bar may be needed. Budget: Bounty of 50$ USD, can be negotiated within reason...