Icy Fox
Icy Fox
Looking to have someone make some code for my TTRPG.
I've been working for years on my TTRPG Into the Shardscape, and want to put it into Foundry as a system. I realize that this is a big ask, and am willing to pay for quality work. This is something I have been trying to bring to the public for a long time and I want it to be a part of foundry. I know coding a little, but i need to see some first. I will enclose what i have made in google sheets at this time. Look it over and let me know if you think you can help. I would want to probably find a way to make payments, at first, because i know its going to be a lot more 3+ 0's. Hopefully we can talk more. (I don't know what to add here, i am bad at starting these kinds of things, but once i get going i am amazing.) Sharable copy of the Google Sheets Version of the Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13xfks2KK2sERCRzr9bJ1FxX3xCSezV-KqOIspH4kAQs/edit?usp=drivesdk
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