Theatre Inserts Bounty
Type: Module Short Description: The animations of JB2A/Automated Animations are no longer functioning while Theatre Inserts is installed. Long Description: I am unsure of how many systems that this issue is currently effecting but I am specificly using Pathfinder 1E 9.6 with with Forge V11 build 315. Utilizing a test bench game where the only installed modules where Automated Animations, FXMaster, JB2A Pateron Complete Collection, LibWrapper, Squencer, Socket Lib, and Theatre Inserts(TI), when attempting to use any antimations (ie Fireball Spell triggering a fireball animation) causes nothing to play. Upon disabling TI all animations resume normal functionality. I conducted this same test off for Forge through just Foundry as it was earlier theorized it could be a Forge specific issue, the exact same result occured. I am placing this bounty out to get Theatre Inserts fixed so that it once again is compatible with these animations. I am not sure what further details will be needed but I will do whatever I can to provide them and am generally fairly accessible. We have an indiviual that plays with us that has speech disabilities, and it is important to us that we continue to use TI but we want to be able to have the pretty pixels too! Budget: I am starting this bounty at $200.00 USD
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