LOELeague of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Created by Rabulias on 12/23/2023 in #commissions
Take Over Easy Ruler Scale Module ($50 US)
Type: Module Short Description: Update Easy Ruler Scale for Foundry v11 and v12. Add some additional functionality if possible. Long Description: Easy Ruler Scale was last updated for Foundry v9. Kandashi gave his blessing on his Discord for someone else to take it over. Kandashi's OK: https://discord.com/channels/853038770428051496/1015545228985368606/1179093130465779852 Easy Ruler Scale: https://foundryvtt.com/packages/easy-ruler-scale Project Site: https://github.com/kandashi/easy-ruler-scale I can get it to work with v11 manually adding the updates from BrodinRaymond but it is a bit of a pain for someone like me who is not familiar with GitHub. And it may break again with v12. BrodinRaymond's Repo: https://github.com/BrodinRaymond/easy-ruler-scale 1) Copy and update the repository of Easy Ruler Scale and make it compatible with Foundry v11 (and ultimately v12 and beyond). 2) Notify Foundry that you are now maintaining the module and anything that needs to be done for that process. Optional Functionality: Make this module work with the Drag Ruler module affecting the size of distance text that shows when moving tokens. Budget: I am offering $50.00 for the v11 and v12 update and maintenance. I will offer an additional $50.00 for the Optional Functionality.
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