Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]


Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]

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VC4 making deep gouges in print bed

When my VC4 (With beacon) prints, it makes deep gouges in the bed (Measured in excess of 0.2mm with calipers). When it does a beacon contact probe, it's fine, it makes no marks. When I was printing earlier on the stock RR PEI plate, it was fine. However, since swapping to my BuildTak Nylon+ build plate, I am having this problem. This build plate is much thicker than the stock RR one....

Dual Extruder Set Up Issues

I'm trying to run two orbiter extruders inline with Belay to prevent filament feeding issues on my 500mm VC4. The second extruder pulling off the spool does not move at all and I cannot find what I did wrong (the extruder does work when plugged into the toolhead, so it's not a mechanical failure). I'm using the following config, and after several hours of searching cannot figure out what I did wrong. I've tried using the SYNC_EXTRUDER_MOTION EXTRUDER=my_extra_extruder MOTION_QUEUE=extruder but only ever get the error The value 'my_extra_extruder' is not valid for EXTRUDER Please help, I've spent hours on this and I know it shouldn't be that hard to get working ```[belay my_belay]...

X Axis Skipping on print Startup

Hello 🙂 We have an odd problem with our ratrig vcore4 hybrid. About every second or third start of a print there is a audible buzzing noise and steps are skipped along the x axis. This happens only during the start print macro right before the priming blob. ...
In case anone was wondering: We were able to fix the problem. The issue was the lower belts being tightend too much. Loosening them fixed the issue.

VAOC LED ring not working

I've been able to confirm that the VAOC camera is working as is the VAOC fan, however when I try to trigger the LED ring to light up it doesn't seem to want to light up. I've only tried this via the little flash light Icon on the VAOC screen.

Heater fault

I just installed my second toolboard for the IDEX but whenever my heater gets to 245c I get a heater fault. It'll hold at 240 with no issues. I managed to pid tune it to 250 but then it'll go right back to faulting at 245. It's the Phaetus Rapido 2 with a pt1000. I'm not sure where to start. The wireing seems fine and like I said it works fine up to 240 and it will pid tune to 250

Beacon Bed Level Sensor not having enough accuracy whilst bed is at temperature.

Hello, I have recently made my V-Core 4 400. I was going through the commissioning guide and was trying to start the first layer print. This print was not able to go ahead due to a sample spread error with the Beacon. I have tried to go through the setup and calibration guide for the beacon, and this lead me to believe that the error was only present when the bed was at an elevated temperature. I have the logs in a text file attached. A photo of the temperatures of the printer during this experimentation have also been attached. Have others experienced this issue? and if so have others been able to find a solution. I have also had a look at the bed and nozzle during these levelling attempts, this has shown to me that there are collisions occurring from dripping filament....

VAOC not working - camera not connecting

New assembly upgraded from working vcore 4 hybrid to idex. Had to reconfigure from start due to MCU board issue with merging. All went well until camera does not connect in VAOC tab or webcam window on dashboard. Attached ratos-debug.zip to try and help.

Z wobble or extrusion issues?

Just did a relatively small print that came out flawless and then a larger full bed print that has what looks like z wobble. This is a 3.1 with the stock oldham bed mounts. Is there any maintenance recommended for those couplers?
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How do I stop END_PRINT from calling M84?

Everytime the print ends, my heavy bed gets misaligned. I want to temporarily resolve this issue by stopping the end print macro from calling the M84 command. How do i do this in the config file?

Z-Tilt issues (most likely awd causing this)

Ok so I finally got around to building my 3.1 (enclosed 400x400) I have a beacon probe and an AWD kit. After almost ripping out every hair on my head I finally got the AWD part and everything else working. But now im stuck on z-tilt and cant find anything on here or online. ...
lowered acceleration and z tilt speed and now it seems to work fine, just a little off so i need to figure that out (too far to the left on bed meshing and too far to the right on z tilt

Layer shift - stepper skipping suspected

I now suspect that my layer shifting issues are caused by the steppers skipping steps. How I came to this conclusion: Current config: VC4-300 CoreXY, but set up in Hybrid mode. Hybrid belts disconnected, but motors still wired up 1. Using a white marker, I put a mark on the belts right where the grub screws of the CoreXY pulleys were....

V-core 4 unstable temperature so print wont start

Having issues with starting a print on my newly build vcore 4, i have done PID tuning, but when starting the print it sets the temp for 150 but it never gets stable enough, it varies from 149 to 151,2 even after 5 min. can anyone suggest a fix.

Problem with config my hotend with EBB 42

I have a problem with my hotend cooling, i have a EBB 42 v1.2 my hotend fan 24v. i connected to PA01, when i heat up the hotend the fan will not start. but if I use the slider bar it will start # Hotend cooling fan [heater_fan toolhead_cooling_fan] heater: extruder 2-pin fan connected to 2-pin header on Octopus Pro 446 - input voltage pwm pin: toolboard_t0:PA1...

VAOC Thermal Expansion Config

I get this error Error during homing move: Move out of range: 248.372 530.256 -7.000 [0.000]...
Solved by digging through discord posts - changed min z from -5 to -7

Nozzle gets closer to the bed every time during first layer (worse at higher temps).

I'm hoping somebody has had this issue before. I've ran through as many calibrations as I can find and just recently found the one here: https://github.com/HelgeKeck/RatOS/blob/documentation_v2.1/site/docs/configuration/beacon_contact.md#6-first-print-and-fine-tuning Everything works, even my beacon comes back with a 1 for the latency....

Vaoc - not working

Hello, tried to get VAOC cam working, unfortenately it doesn't show anything. In the Vaoc tab it only shows "Webstream not found" I followed the official intruction guide and the Commissioning Guide. Tried also to get a usb cam and a raspbery pi cam working, both failed to work....

New machine vcore 4 machine with idex installed before commissioning

I am at the stage of doing the commission. However I seem to have issues with T1 toolhead drifting towards the center of the X-axis when when T0 is moving along the Y-axis. My initial thought was that I needed to install the hybrid belts, but the guide tuning gets difficult when doing so. I am sure I just missed something but am not sure what it is.
You must, must, must install the hybrid belts. IDEX is just half of CoreXY. Let me explain. In Core XY, each of the lower motors would move the single toolhead in a 45 degree direction. Now in IDEX only 1 belt and motor is attached to each toolhead. That said, it's STILL COREXY motion related, in that the belt for that toolhead moves that head in diagonal motion. You must then have the hybrid belts and motors connected to control and move Y axis. That is why you are getting the result- IDEX must...

My New Chonk build rear z motor doesn't move during homing.

The bed lowers with all three motors at the start of the homing sequence but then after it checks the x and y motor it goes to lift up for the z probe but the rear doesn't move and the bed binds up. https://youtube.com/shorts/BwLV4EklHzw
Ended up being a bad driver. Case closed

Toolhead x-offset is too high for the available parking space. V-Core4 IDEX

After upgrading to IDEX and then performing the VAOC calibration sequence, I cannot perform a basic test print to check the basic Z offset.
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Beacon probe failing to pass BEACON_RATOS_CALIBRATE

For some reason i can't get past this part of configuration.