Gaps at the seams
Hi! I have been getting these gigantic gaps at the seams (aligned), can somebody point me to which settings I should fiddle with?
Filament: DAS PETG
SuSl with standard RR settings for 0.2 mm HF and Generic PETG at 245° C....
Cooling at lower layers reducing hotend temp and triggering fault
Hi! I'm running EVA3 with a 4020 fan, BMG and V6 with Bondtech CHT nozzle, RRF, on my V-Core 500.
I can print at quite fast speeds with this (150mm/s), but I'm having a lot of problems on some models like a Benchy where the nozzle temp drops from 215 to 196 and then triggers a heater fault.
I have PID tuned it, but it doesn't seem like the heater can keep up. I have a silicon sock on but that's apparently not enough....
Hei i have a lot of stringing and a bad wall finish near edges (using rapido and LGX, part is with PLA) any sugesstions? Any good profiles for Prusa Slicer? 😄 THANKS A LOT 😄
Rattling X/Y axis
Hello everyone,
My VCore 3.1 was assembled and after a few prints started to make the noise you can see in the video.
I'm suspecting something in the EVA loosened and is vibrating/rattling. ...
Z dimension undersized
I noticed that on all of my prints that my Z dimensions are undersized. For example, something that is supposed to be 38mm is 37.25mm. I also did a double wall test, where the walls are 100mm and 50mm and a height of 10mm. The x/y comes out to 100.04mm and 100.14mm and 50.15mm and 50.35mm. However my Z comes out to 9.7-9.75mm. Any idea what I should tweak?
solid walls coming out looking like a chain link fence.
I just got my rat rig set up. Vcore 3.1 with 2.0 enclosure running reprap on a duet 3 mini 5 plus.
My printer is extruding weird. I just calibrated esteps so it extruder exactly 100mm when I tell it to.
Anyone have a similar issue and know how to fix it?...
strange pressure advance behaviour
I was running a pressure advance tower, but the pa did not seem to improve or change the bulsging edges. In the first picture, the pa was at 0.06 according to the console. In the second picture you can see the seem. I assume there is an other paramter I should be looking at?...
Print curls up into nozzle
Been having this issue on some prints where the print will curl upward into the nozzle, getting browned/blackened. It usually only happens on the side facing the back of the printer. I assume this is a cooling problem, do I need more cooling or less? Should I direct the duct differently?
Support impossible to remove
So I don't know what's going on with my print or printer but it seems that no matter what I do, the print is always stuck to the supports like glue. I've cut myself several times trying to take it off. On my Ender 3 it's easy as hell but on my Ratrig I need a knife and those stab-proof gloves. My cura settings:
the area in support also looks really horrid even with the supports impossible to remove. So I have no idea what's going on....
petg not printing with pla speeds
Hi,im having trouble printing pet g at my normal pla speeds,the temps are 250 nozzle and 70 bed,the fillament is polylite petg,this is how the print looks
PETG layers not sticking on layers with high infill
I have a part I'm printing with Overture PETG (printed from a drybox) and I'm having an issue where whenever I'm at a layer with a high solid infill the perimeters just completely fail. I think the main issue with this is that, since a large portion of that infill is considered bridge infill, its moving really slowly (i decreased bridge accel and speed by a lot to improve bridging, which worked), these layers are taking a long time and some filament is cooling too much. How can I fix this error?...
What would cause this?
Other than shown, this print is a great print everywhere else... printed at 0.1 layer height.. trying to fine tune finer prints.. anybidea what the issue was here?
[Fixed] V-Minion Z or Y axis issue
Any thoughts on the cause of these lines on my v-minion? They are about every 4mm and on the front and back only running along the x axis. The sides are clear.
PLA bubbles up on bed.
I keep trying but this Esun Marble PLA bubbles up. Esun rates it at 190-220C
I’ve tried cooler / hotter extruder , cooler hotter bed 70-90C
Raising nozzle, lowering nozzle ( as you see in the lines here )
Reducing flow to 95%
Reducing speed to 20mm/s...
do i have too much cooling?
Did the EVA 3 dual 5015 upgrade on my minion recently. using a matte black pla around 240 and capped flow at 25 with my dragonfly and cht 0.6.
Almost perfect print just a few boogers.
Thoughts to what it might be?...
Weird layer lines in print - overextrusion?
Hey, I have really REALLY extreme layer lines. I don't have stealthchop or anything, it's just weird. Might be current to steppers, might also be overextrusion. Stepper current is set to 0.8 for ender 3 style stepper motors which according to my googling is about right. Retraction is set to 0.5mm and 25mm/s
warped holesextra holes
Im printing the parts in abs for a enclosed ratrig printer, and some parts have these warped holes and not connected walls where they should be connected, we have a enclosed ender 3 v2, but the doors swing open right before a print, so we close them pretty soon. Could that be the issue? (Second pic as a good part for comparison) help would be much appreciated.
Overhanging issues
I recently changed the nozzle to a Bondtech CHT .4mm. In general the print quality is fine after some adjustments. As long as the walls go straight upwards. Unfortunately, I do have some major issues with overhangs I cannot explain. I printed a benchy with .2mm layer height and not too fast (100mm/s) in my opinion. The result was terrible.
My hotend is a ZODIAC x Phaetus BMO with a Sherpa Mini extruder.
Also I had to find some issues while adjusting layer advance and printing the tower. There the layer height is set to .3mm as requested and this leads to bad layer adhesion due to... under extrusion?
I tried PLA (205/65) as well as PETG (235/85), both behave same....
Pronounced seams
How can I improve the seams on my parts? Pressure advance is tuned for good square corners right now. Rapido HF, 0.6mm CHT nozzle, PLA. 0.3mm layer height.