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All posts for blendOS
Steam runtime error
wayland issue
How to map keyboard keys ?
Download sudo-akshara-update takes ages
Suggestion: Run reflector before install
Couldnt Install AUR
legacy boot problem
package download failure
Apparmor support?
akshara can't import PyYAML
Do I need to create a boot partition for blendOS?
Git package from aur build with every update
file <</boot/amd-ucode.img>> not found
Fingerprint sensor on Thinkbook
How to make fwupd detect ESP partition?
audio issues
How to solve this login problem
Black screen on new install
add installing on btrfs subvolumes support into the installer
Blender in Container won't boot
device did not show up after 30 seconds
How much time does it take to install?
Sway fails to start
user/blend broken stuff tracking
How can I set this kernel parameter "amdgpu.dcdebugmask=0x200"
Installation fails: `move_mount system call failed: no such file or directory`
ssh into podman containers blendos
Startup/Autostart Containers..
Binary icons in Dock when running containerized app.
Error: Read-only file system (edit hosts)
Akshara update does not work because of missing yaml?
Black screen after updating track to plasma
v3 --> v4 upgrade path?
BlendOs installation failure
Associations remain *in Blend Settings* after container is deleted
`user create-container` says distro doesn't exist
Any plans to add Ubuntu 24.04 LTS container support soon?
Cannot install to lvm partitions
Updates reinstall every app and take forever
Programs in containers won't launch from .desktop file
issues switching to gnome track from plasma track
paru error
Can we make akshara run 'grub-mkconfig' only if grub is installed?
Issue with installing AUR packages Duplicati and Visual Studio Code: /opt empty
Akshara TypeError when updating
new /etc/shells is instead at /usr/etc/shells; old /etc/shells is kept
How to declaratively list the flatpak applications to install?
hi was trying to get cuda toolkit and cudnn working on my blend need some help out here
How to install the nix package manager on BlendOS?
my external displayport monitor does not work
Akshara loops when bpkg isn't available (likely not related to being bpkg specifically)
`visual-studio-code-bin` broken
Icons broken when app is installed from container on gnome
issue explained in picture
Strange Boot Behavior v4
Can't launch a terminal using commands
No Android Apps (waydroid)
virt-manager refuses to communicate with o. s.
UX feedback: can you add the sha256sum of blend os 4 to the site
stability issues on plasma track
"GPGME error: no such device", followed by lots of "missing required signature"
How'd I use apps from the AUR & Pacman?!
Cannot create a profile.
General strategy for setting up for development/streaming? (mostly game dev)
Is there any way to have traditional Chinese characters Pinyin keyboard (input method) on Vanilla?
Waydriod not working Need help
Keymap isn't preserved after install preventing input of LUKS passphrase on non-English keyboards
Updated system and it booted to Rootfs.
"gnome-initial-setup" user
certificate has expired
no sound
Installation completes but GRUB doesn't show an entry to boot into the newly installed system
gnome extension
Is it possible to instal qemu kvm on BlendOS?
Failed to mount /boot/efi
Opening Links aren't working in Flatpak apps?
How can I install Multilib Packages from the Multilib Repo?
/usr/share mutability
Secure download
Epson xp-2150 wifi printer not working
aurora store not working blend os v4 version
Boot problem with manual partitioning
Plasma track is broken
sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES
Error 1101/500 in
Missing required signature
device did not show up
In Search of Assistance: Please HELP Resolving BlendOS feature v3 with Read and Write
akshara update hanging
is installing with existing /user partition supported in V4
4.0 beta --> 4.0 final
"Press any button to continue"
Test post 2
Blend OS v4 doesn't boot on bare metal
Aurora fails to install in v4 beta
BlendOS mirrors are down.
Container installs no package
v3 backdoor what does that mean
blendOS not starting from USB Drive.
Failed to download package with jade
AV1 Webm Video stuck or stuttering
Why is this working now?
Error setting up Blend OS v4 Alpha
Sandboxed Container
How to save the Podman containers Blend v3
Manual Podman containers in the BlendOS Settings panel?
audio applications
how to get read and write permissions to blend os filesystem
lightlyqt or alternatives in blendos
Macbook Broadcom wifi disappeared/unloaded
WPS Office not starting
test post please ignore
Can I install something that uses DKMS?
steam games only run in proton crash otherwise after loading
blinking cursor