blendOS5w ago

How to map keyboard keys ?

I've just remap a new QWERTY keyboard into an AZERTY (I was unable to find an ergonomic one with touchpad) using stickers. I nearly happy, but a key is missing : the one for type < and >. So I think to map another key not so useful (²). I tried a few things (espanso, input-remapper...) but they do not worked. So, anyone could recommend me a way to accomplish this ? BTW: i'm on the default gnome/wayland track.
You'd have to install it with the system.yaml file. https://blendos.co/reference/configs/system/...
system.yaml - blendOS
system.yaml config reference
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5 Replies
Asterisk5w ago
install them as flatpaks grant the proper permissions via flatseal remap keys either way not a blendOS issue
StephOP5w ago
Didn't know flatseal ! I'll try it and let you know. Thanks ! Well, I did not find a key remapper tool in flathub. No input-remapper, just a GUI for espanso... Any idea ?
You'd have to install it with the system.yaml file. https://blendos.co/reference/configs/system/
system.yaml - blendOS
system.yaml config reference
Search the Arch repos: https://archlinux.org/packages/ For the program you want And put it under the packages section as described in the documentation If it's not in the Arch Repos try looking in the AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/ Then put the name under the aur-packages section Then type sudo akshara update in the terminal after saving the file. You can also use the update button in the blendOS settings app If you want to use a GUI Espanso seems to be in the AUR add
under the aur-packages section in the system.yaml Input Remapper is also in the AUR.
StephOP4w ago
It works ! In fact, it worked already yesterday with input-remapper-bin (I did exactly what you said) but I did not understand that I have to mapped the keys to "less" and "greater" instead of "<" and ">" in the Input Remapper GUI. Thanks all for your help in any case !

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