blendOS7mo ago

Error setting up Blend OS v4 Alpha

So I I am attempting to run through the steps that @ム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ wrote for setting up Blend and I ran into an error at the final Akshara update. (2/2) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate... [2024-01-05 06:08:07] WARNING: failed to rate http(s) download (https://archlinux.thaller.ws/extra/os/x86_64/extra.db): Download timed out after 5 second(s). Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/akshara", line 431, in <module> command() File "/usr/bin/akshara", line 259, in update_system Server = {blend_release['repo']} ~~~~~^^^^^^^^ KeyError: 'repo' I am using a system yaml based off of ico277 in a Gnome Box. Did I miss a step? Thanks for taking the time
28 Replies
Valkyrja7mo ago
ム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ received a thank you Jao!
Asterisk7mo ago
Something may be wrong with the mirror reflector chose
Bushwil7mo ago
So clear cache, try again, and hope it chooses a different mirror? Or can I specify a preferred mirror?
Asterisk7mo ago
yea basically if you want to override the mirror you'd have to edit akshara itself though this mirror seems to work for me @Bushwil can you send your system.yaml here?
Bushwil6mo ago
Sorry for the delay @ム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ
Asterisk6mo ago
you're missing this at the top:
repo: 'https://pkg-repo.blendos.co'
repo: 'https://pkg-repo.blendos.co'
add tat in and update akshara
Bushwil6mo ago
That makes the error make since now😕 🫢 😀 😃
Asterisk6mo ago
Bushwil6mo ago
you can't see it here because I copied the text instead of screenshot but the carets are highlighting the ['repo'] in the Server variable and the system called it a KeyError. So that is probably because 'repo' is not defined or null when it was looking for a value.
Asterisk6mo ago
I forgot, the repo: url should be in single quotes edited my message
Bushwil6mo ago
Caught the change, got further but still failed. This time it looped or retried for a long time then error-ed out due to a ton of un-trusted keys, however when I tried to run a keyring update it cannot lock the database. And I am getting a lot of that throughout the VM
Asterisk6mo ago
Is the breakfast repo’s siglevel set to Never?
Bushwil6mo ago
Yes, Do you think it might be related the system unable to lock a database?
Asterisk6mo ago
there's no immutability I don't think if the pacman lock is giving you errors you can remove it if no other pacman instances are running
Bushwil6mo ago
Thanks, It is pacman problem, got it let me go find Mrs. Pacman to fix him up, and I'll try again
Valkyrja6mo ago
ム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ received a thank you Jao!
Bushwil6mo ago
Ok, the Monsters got pacman. So I started fresh with the same System.yaml, but this time it error-ed way further down. with akshara line 298, in update_system return_val=exec_chroot
Bushwil6mo ago
Sorry for the huge screenshot.
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Bushwil6mo ago
So should I open an issue on the repo? @ム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ
Asterisk6mo ago
Bushwil6mo ago
Looks like it matches this issue: https://github.com/blend-os/akshara/issues/2
Errors in blend OS 4 alpha · Issue #2 · blend-os/akshara
Hi, I am trying to use blend OS 4 with the gnome track but it's not working. I AM stuck at sudo mkinitcpio -P; sudo akshara update. After downloading and installing all packages it gives error ...
Asterisk6mo ago
commented we moved akshara's source code off github
Bushwil6mo ago
Oh, good to know, I do not have an account there, but I am still going to add and aur package just to see if that moves me to a different error Hi @ム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ That got me through the setup, but still gave me unuse-able containers, but that might be related to the spice agent not in my package list. I think I have enough space to run through the process once more. Do you guys want any logs or anything from these attempts?
Asterisk6mo ago
Sure Put them here or on pastebin or something
Bushwil6mo ago
Do I just search for all log files or specific locations?
Asterisk6mo ago
all get akshara's journal
Bushwil2mo ago
FYI: @ム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ failed after updating the locales cp: cannot create directory '/.update_rootfs/usr/etc': No such file or directory Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/akshara", line 472, in <module> command() File "/usr/bin/akshara", line 371, in update_system get_diff_etc_files(etc_diff) File "/usr/bin/akshara", line 363, in get_diff_etc_files for name in dcmp.left_only: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/filecmp.py", line 252, in getattr self.methodmapattr File "/usr/lib/python3.12/filecmp.py", line 145, in phase1 a = dict(zip(map(os.path.normcase, self.left_list), self.left_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/filecmp.py", line 252, in getattr self.methodmapattr File "/usr/lib/python3.12/filecmp.py", line 139, in phase0 self.right_list = _filter(os.listdir(self.right), ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/etc/'
Bushwil2mo ago
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