blendOS4w ago

Aurora fails to install in v4 beta

Just installed the new v4 iso. Aurora fails to install but F-Droid installed just fine
i don't have the time these days to mess with it so i'm just using scrcpy instead on blend. kind of annoying but it works for the one or two android apps i want to see and control from my desktop
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12 Replies
Asterisk4w ago
Any logs?
Rudra4w ago
fixed (was pointing at an old download link for Aurora Store), the package repository's building currently I'll ping you as soon as the new package is built @Grogu built 👍 do let me know if it works now
Grogu4w ago
Ok thanks can I just run sudo akshara update or do I need to reinstall from scratch?
Valkyrja4w ago
rs2009 received a thank you Jao!
Rudra4w ago
just sudo akshara update
Grogu4w ago
@Rudra | blendOS, Ubuntu Unity i can confirm it installs now but when the app starts it fails to validate and closes. I might have messed things up by trying to install it through F-Droid earlier. I'll try a fresh install tomorrow and report back Jus an update, my issue seems to be a waydroid thing. I can side load Aurora 4.25, that works but I can't find the apps I need in it lol
Asterisk4w ago
aurora is a play store frontend soooooo how is that possible
Grogu4w ago
IDK but do a web search and you will find there are many other people with the same problem
Asterisk4w ago
hmmmmm sorry we just finished setting up something to make these posts indexable by google
Grogu4w ago
i don't have the time these days to mess with it so i'm just using scrcpy instead on blend. kind of annoying but it works for the one or two android apps i want to see and control from my desktop
Asterisk4w ago
Grogu4w ago
i'm actually using the guiscrcpy flatpak. works pretty nice