Icons broken when app is installed from container on gnome
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Is GNOME not an officially supported use-case? The website has a lot of screenshots on GNOME, I am assuming it isn't updated yet to reflect this.
The fix for the issue was simple, edit StartupWMClass and remove the capital letters, but I am oh-so-sorry for wasting your very valuable time on this....
3 Replies
You can just add the icon again through a menu editor?
GNOME sucks balls anyway
Not surprised it can’t handle this, it doesn’t even come with a menu editor
Is GNOME not an officially supported use-case? The website has a lot of screenshots on GNOME, I am assuming it isn't updated yet to reflect this.
The fix for the issue was simple, edit StartupWMClass and remove the capital letters, but I am oh-so-sorry for wasting your very valuable time on this.
GNOME is only the default because of Jade-GUI
This will be fixed later on