Polygonflow Dash


Polygonflow Dash

In this server, you can ask any question you may have about Dash. The world building plugin for Unreal Engine 5.







Scalable megascan preview - find in folder remember state

1 - Would be nice to preview megascan assets in Content Browser with small-medium-big size (on 4k monitor with 175% font scale they are very small) 2 - Content Browser don't remember if "Show the hierarchy" has been selected last time I've opened it. (every time I open the UE project and I open Dash CB I have to open hierarchy too)...

In 1.8.5, the Fab browser asks me to sign in but it doesn't allow sign in

I'm able to sign in in the "standard" Fab plugin (I'm using my Epic account) but Dash's Fab browser asks me to sign in again when I open it, presents me the various sign in options, but the sign in buttons are unresponsive. Is it a bug or something I'm doing wrong?
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Path scatter not updating in 1.8.3

I just updated from 1.8.2 to 1.8.3. Now when i try to modify a path used for path scattering it will not update on screen. The same goes for any other modifications i make in the scatter editor. Only when i re-open the project the changes can be seen. That i sfrustrating. Link to screen recording: https://f.io/flXO4X66...

The "Set Megascans folder" path button not working?

i only got it to pop once. The ui to change folder path. But no matter how many times i press it or switch mouse, or mouse pad. i cannot for the live of me understand why i cant get the button to work.

hello, Is there a solution to this problem?

Hello, Is there a solution to this problem?
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Hello, I have the most recent Dash plugin working in UE5.4.4.

I use the Dash cameras, setting them up is no problem however once I add the camera to the movie render queue it will no longer accept changes. I have to delete the camera track from the queue and re add w/new changes. Is this a known bug? Is there a work around? Thx!...

Custom Dash Movie Render Tool

As Dash is aiming at easy of use and usage speed it would be useful a custom render tool (based on movie render queue, not viewport high res screenshot) with some well optimized presets (screenshot - low mid high quality; video - low mid high quality) The custom render tool should be able to select camera (or multiple cameras) to render, override "camera" settings and have the possibility too to tweak just some settings (resolution, select lumen/path tracing, output type, anti-aliasing settings, color management..) Beginners (or people with no time 😄 ) use presets, experts can tweak settings...

Scatter with probability values for each asset

I often find it very hard to create many tools for the same place just to control the amount of scattered assets for each. For example, imagine you want to create a garden with lots of different plants and rocks etc. Currently, you would create all the tools individually. In other known scatter systems outside of UE, this is already a common feature to have probabilities. Maybe this does not pop up when you work on tiny scenes but we are working on very large environments and this is crucial for us. Please consider adding this sooner rather than later to make Dash more convenient and efficient....

camera path tracing render settings - focus pointer

It would be useful to have, as advanced tools, customizable path tracing settings for dash camera actor. And again...focus distance is useless if we cannot choose what exactly to focusing...

DASH 1.8 UI Interface one of the most non-intuitive UIs that I have come across

WARNING: Rant below... PART 1 I use DASH only occasionally but every update seems to involves\ a UI change which, in turn, results in a YouTube search for the answer because the DASH doc'n is lacking/has not caught up. V1.8 is the straw that......
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Can't drag from Content Browser - Dash 1.8.2

There is no way to drag any asset from the Content Browser when UE interface is across multiple monitors. All other tools work. If UE is on a single monitor the Content Browser works. Content browser won't even open if I switch between different layout. UE viewport and Outliner on a 5K monitor...

Dash not working since update.

I click on the D, and nothing happens. The output says registering dash commands, but nothing happens. I've uninstalled, and reinstalled it. Also deleted all the C: drive contents, and tried to install; same result.
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Support your own textures by Dash?

Hello, I enjoyed looking at the new version and was pleased to see the list of future Featurers. This is going to be great! The only thing that bothers me is the dependency on Quixel materials. If I use differently packed textures or my own materials, all the options like brightness, contrast, color etc. don't work. I can see why. What criteria does Dash use to replace the material variables in order to change them? Does it search for the path/filename of the Quixel materials or can I adhere to certain specifications (which ones?) in my own materials in order to make full use of the Dash functionality?...

Random Spin Angle Control

I wanted to scatter parked cars which worked great with grid scatter. However i would like to control the Random spin but limited to 90° angles. Please add this feature. Thank you!...
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Shared Library Project - Team Use

Our small team is currently evaluation the use of dash, primarily delving into the use of the dash content browser and external project library feature as an effective way of allowing our extensive asset library to be available in new projects. We have created a UE project that only contains our library with a well organised folder structure and assets. We computed the assets and specified materials to be computed as well. This library is connected to a perforce depot to allow it to be synced and shared, currently this is most common way to do this with UE projects. However, the limitation we have found is, once each artist gets the latest sync of this depot stream, each individually needs to regularly open the library project, compute the assets, waste valuable resources and credits on assets that were already computed and tagged....

Scan Content only when changes are detected

If we own a lot of asset is quite annoying wait for a complete scan every time (Ok, is not so long time consuming but it would be nice to scan content just if a change in the library has been done)

Dash 1.8 a disappointment so far.

When attempting the tutorail in the Dash 1.8 Youtube tutorial I have discovered: AI is not working. I entered a request identical to the one demonstratoed in the video but never got a response. Also, I cannot add assets to my current project. Dash crashes on trying to compute just 1 asset. Adding assets in previous versions worked well. When I click to add assets it begins to compute them but always fails. Eventually I will get a message that tells me the asset tagging process had to restart 10...

Tools Panel wider Text Area

Can you please make the text fields wider or maybe make it fit to text. Most of the time i can't read my tools.
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Re-loading assets

I imported some assets from another project via the library and noticed that there's no way of updating the imported meshes if the original has been edited. Could we get a "reload asset" button in the library when working with models from other projects?

my license has been deactivated after updating to 1.8?

I have never activate the license on the other PC after updating. , could you help me to reactivate or deactivate it?...