Screen / Window Issue
By the way. I have this weird issue with the edit window (a bug I guess).
It sometimes jump to the top of the screen and can't be moved cause the top part is out of the screen area. (Using 2 monitors). The titlebar is out of reach......
Edit scatter error
Guys hello!
Another issue found.
When try to edit one of the surface scatter parameters - the edit menu doesnt appears. In screenshot the scatter edit menu is for another scatter, but that one i need doesnt appears. And it gives this kind of errors. Any thoughts about this?...

Mouse offset
is this a dual screen issue? It's also really difficult to use the drag and drop scatter option on a surface because of the mouse offset
Dash Asset Tagging Questions
Dash Asset Tagging
I've searched high and low for a systematic tutorial on asset tagging in Dash.
If anyone knows of one, then please......
Draw Curve floating
Hello how can I get my draw curve to stay on the surface of my landscape? Everytime i draw a curve some are floating in the air. A little hard to see

New Dash Content Browser
We are eagerly awaiting the new Dash Asset Browser?! Is there a release date in sight?
CB problem
hello all!
I am currently unable to drag any assets from the content browser into my scene.
Has anyone else met the same issue? Currently using Unreal 5.5.1 and Dash 1.88...
Hello what does this mean? its not letting me use Dash. Using UE5.5 @daschatten @Adnan Chaumette @DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)

Migrated level to another project
Hi, Polygonflowers. I have migrated a complete level to another project. Now I can't edit the surface scattered items anymore. It still works in the original project. Any suggestions?
I'm still on version 1.7 because of "never update something while you're working on a current project". Unreal Version is 5.4...

I have this issue more times than not it
I have this issue more times than not it seems. I've not used Dash nearly as much as I thought I would because the only reason I personally wanted it is the asset browser. I spent tons of time getting alot of my assets in projects converted etc. Now the issue....when I try and drag it into a level it acts like it loaded it, gives me the white dot to place it...but nothing happens. Nothing is added, nothing visually is shown. In the past I've been able to create a blank level, open it up, th...
Watch 2024-11-05 11-18-28 | Streamable
Hi all! Switching here from an email conv with @Adnan Chaumette regarding some weird bugs. I'm thinking that maybe more people would benefit from the debug: i'll try to elaborate in a thread on what i think is going on here
Hello! I've the issue that the scattered
Hello! I've the issue that the scattered meshes don't follow my curved spline point type? What's the general advice for creating a curved spline like the one i've created to work with dash's scatter tool?

When working with Proximity Masking,
When working with Proximity Masking, does anyone else find themselves having to really up the Distance and Sampling amounts to keep meshes from spawning within them? I have a road mesh that I want to spawn grass around it. When I assign the road to be in the Proximity Mask, I'm still getting grass spawning within it.
Lost tool connection
any idea how to reconnect dash scatters if it seems to lose the scatter objects and surfaces - but the tool still exisits?

I'm having an issue where I've worked on
I'm having an issue where I've worked on a DASH scene and now it crashed and I've tried multiple times to open the level back up but each time it crashes. Any advice?
Hi. Our programmers are very restrictive
Hi. Our programmers are very restrictive with adding third party plugins, they're worried that to many plugins with too many dependencies will cause problems down the line (which it probably would). Is dash "self contained", will we only have to worry about updating dash itself when a new version of either unreal or dash arrives?
Hello Polygonflow Team, i wish to use my
Hello Polygonflow Team, i wish to use my dash student licence on my laptop too and now i am wondering if i could kindly receive a 2nd PC activation
External assets
What happens to unreal project folder structure when using asset from another project?
Are they copied to the current projector? There is a link reference to them?...
I just bought the plugin and my project
I just bought the plugin and my project is stuck on "Discovering Asset Data" (only happens with the plugin enabled) 🥲
External libs
Is it possible to use the Dash-Browser to manage and use all my purchased asses that are in many projects centrally in one place? Does collecting assets in the DASH browser affect the loading time of the project or the file size?