Kai (only Cinematics)
Kai (only Cinematics)
PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by Kai (only Cinematics) on 6/27/2024 in #dash-feedback
When I started with UE a few weeks ago after 25 years of C4d experience, my biggest problem in UE was the horrible asset management - you have to open another project, select the desired assets and then migrate them to the new project - horrible. I am in 2 German UE forums - nobody could help me here - for them it is all quite normal. Now I have discovered DASH by watching YoutTube up and down and immediately installed the demo. You can now manage all your assets across projects - fantastic. Funnily enough, this is hardly mentioned in your marketing - why? I think if people were to tell me about it, they'd be all over you. For this function alone. I only discovered it after 3 weeks in Dash.
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