Polygonflow Dash


Polygonflow Dash

In this server, you can ask any question you may have about Dash. The world building plugin for Unreal Engine 5.







Materials Panel for custom assets

Is it possible to add the materials panel for custom assets? e.g. adjust roughness, normal, color etc. The function seems to only be available for megascans assets. Not sure if this is possible to configure on the backend. Thanks!

AI Tagging conflict with 3D Connexion plug-in

I noted a post earlier about a conflict with AI tagging - confirming that for me AI tagging would not even start properly until I disabled the plugin. UE 5.3.2

Dash delays the otherwise smooth animation

@Daniel - COO Hi When I started dash, I felt a noticeable lag when playing the level sequences, even though there was no Dash script in the scene. Obviously the Dash is refreshing or detecting something every frame, and my switching the Dash non-Runtime mode didn't fix anything. I hope the later version optimizations will fix this, otherwise I'll have to turn Dash off to preview the animation smoothly. Thanks!...

UE5.3.2 Physics Tool Crash

Hello, I have a serious problem. Sometimes when I use Dash Physics Tool, the engine crashes. In this video, I was using 50 glass pieces to drop down on a floor. Everytime I use the tool, I got a crash. Before that I used 3 canisters and they animated correctly without any problem. I don't know why on some meshes the engine crashes with Physics Tool.

Unified Library

I love the potential of a unified library, but in my view it's still lacking things. (I was told some of these features below will already be added in 1.7) What I would like to see improved/added: 1. No duplicate assets in the Unified view when the same asset is added to multiple projects....

Asset GYM Line UP

Apologies if this feature exists already? but it be get if you could make a simple tool to line up assets in rows with a small distance between them, so when makeing asset gym levles with groups of zerod out assets you can lay them all out super quick?

Asset Painter

A 'painter' for scatter items. That is to say something similar to the foliage tool's workings, but a means to paint on items to the terrain for example. Many times I need to hand place items because the scatter would be too much, or too little in some few cases.

Can't append external project libraries

I always get the "invalid project library" message when I try to append libraries.
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Constant crashes in landscape mode, path scatter (1.6.0)

Hi, I'm working with path scatter projected on a landscape and I seem to be getting constant crashes in various scenarios. The logs always seem to say the same thing. This crash for example happens when I enter landscape mode. ``` [2024.03.09-14.27.41:100][725]LogCore: Error: Invalid input P=-nan(ind) Y=-nan(ind) R=nan to FRotator::Quaternion - generated NaN output: X=-nan(ind) Y=nan Z=nan W=-nan(ind) [2024.03.09-14.27.41:100][725]LogCore: Error: Invalid input P=-nan(ind) Y=-nan(ind) R=nan to FRotator::Quaternion - generated NaN output: X=-nan(ind) Y=nan Z=nan W=-nan(ind) [2024.03.09-14.27.41:100][725]LogCore: Error: Invalid input P=-nan(ind) Y=-nan(ind) R=nan to FRotator::Quaternion - generated NaN output: X=-nan(ind) Y=nan Z=nan W=-nan(ind)...

UI for editing Surface and Path Scatter

What does anyone think about having a single edit window that switches to whatever scatter you currently have selected? Currently if you edit a Scatter object it creates an edit window, then if you go to edit a different scatter object, it pops up a new seperate edit window directly over the other one. If you are editing multiple scatters at once you need multiple windows open, then you have to arrange them across your screen, and then have to remember which one is for which. A single window that matches your outliner selection seems more instinctive, and a bit lighter on screen real estate perhaps?...

Position Jitter on Path Scatter

Hi team, would it be possible to add Position Jitter on path scatter, to give more randomness? Being able to specify x, y & z positions would be extremely handy

A simple method for removing texture repetition

@Daniel - COO Hi! As far as I know, the current method of removing repeatability in Dash is to add noise mask, which does not solve the problem of duplication at the root. I found a simple way to remove the repetition of the texture of the material. I think it can be added to the Dash default material presets, just need to do the basic color channel as follows, even if nothing else will have a good effect. Thanks! https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1GZ421m7tf/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=7d0bf6bfad2fdb827aa3010d2439ee84...
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Add subtitles to level sequences

@Daniel - COO Hi! Rendering subtitles in UE has always been a headache and a chore. I wish Dash had a quick and easy solution. So far as I know, there are three approaches 1. Add a plane to the camera port as a subset, using materials...

Megascans material convertion bug or nanite mesh import?

As you can see, I imported this (nanite) hydrant from the library and it turns out to be translucent. But the PF Material instance still looks opaque. I imported other models before and this is the first one with that bug. screenshot 1 left: with PF material right: original megascans material...
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Texture dirt: create feature masking

It would be really useful to have feature masking in the dirt placement in a texture, like in the scatter. For example, based on height and/or angle. This way we could easily, for example, simulate a sandy area around a lake, or green patches in some areas.

Texture dirt hue: use a color picker instead of a number

Instead of using a number to make variations in the hue of dirt in a texture, why not use a color picker? It would be much faster and more precise.

Surface Scatter: when all objects are removed from the container the scatter remains

When all objects are removed from the container of a surface scatter, either by directly clicking on the "-" in a circle in the "Scatter" line, or by listing all objects and removing one by one, the scatter still remains on the surface. In the latter case, if the scatter has more than 1 object, the scatter is refreshed each time I remove one object, except in the last one, where it remains exactly as it was.

dirt materials

Is it possible to get the dirt feature to work with proximity? So say you want dirt to appear on a wall but just close to an object or floor?

Pipe/Cable features/questions

Hello, I am finally getting a chance to dive into the new Dash. There are a lot of cool new features! I'm making an "updated" version from a favorite level in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and trying to work with the cable and pipe tools to create some computer cables to plug into an outlet with a plug. Am I correct in my assumption (after looking everywhere), that you cannot use a custom cable mesh? I have a lot of cable meshes for spline cables, and it would be great to be able to use these. I al...

Terrain pivot suddenly resets

If I create a Dash terrain, move it from where it was created, do some kind of transformation (e.g. change scale) and move it again, the pivot is suddenly moved to the original place where the terrain was created. See video.